Post-Attack Confession - Katsuki Bakugo (BNHA)

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Thumping was all that had been heard down the hall for a few moments. First it was upstairs, now it was a few rooms down in the dorm. The footsteps were heavy and loud, but were also followed by yelling. It had been about three minutes of this before I got upset with it all. I snapped my book closed after putting a trading card in place of a bookmark.

I had planned on getting up and figuring out what was happening, but was rudely interrupted by a Kirishima. Behind him was Midoriya and Kaminari.

"Did you three really run all around the dorms to find me? You sounded like enlarged chickens with their heads cut off..." I trailed off when I realized how distressed the trio had looked. "What's wrong?"

"___, Bakugo needs you. He won't listen to us and he won't leave his room and-" Midoriya had started.

"Calm down! Tell me what happened. Slowly, so I can understand." I walked over to the door, my heart starting to race when Katsuki had been mentioned. Whenever he had an issue or was pissed, he could easily talk to Kirishima. So this was bad...very bad.

"He's having a panic attack. And he won't let us into his room. He won't even talk to me and you're the only person I think he'll talk to." Kirishima ran his hand through his hair while he explained.

I didn't mean to come off as rude, but I pushed the three aside and rushed towards the stairs, completely forgetting a jacket or shoes. I ran upstairs and across to the boy's side. When I got to the door, Mina and Sero were leaning up against the wall, concerned.

"Thank fuck. This hasn't happened before." Sero started. That was a mild shocker; Hanta cursing, but I brushed it off. They left the area, knowing I could be the one to help him.

After catching my breath I knocked on the door. I listened for a reaction and I sure got one.

"Fuck off! I don't n-need help.." My heart shattered. Katsuki Bakugo, my hot-headed best friend had just stuttered, and...sniffled. I heard tiny sparks go off and I decided to speak.

"Kat, it's me, ___. Can I come in, please? If not that's alright, but let me do something to help." I chose my words carefully, although I didn't need to. Besides Kirishima, I was the closest person to Katsuki. If he didn't listen to anybody else, he would listen to me.

No response. He didn't say no, or to go away. So he either didn't hear me, or he accepted my offer.

I slowly turned the nob, mindful of Katsuki's state of mind. Once the door was opened enough for me to slip through, I did, closing it behind me gently. I scanned the room, spotting him.

Curled up, arms wrapped around his knees, head in his hands. I was so used to seeing the Bakugo everybody saw. Of course, I knew he had a soft side, and he had insecurities, but this sight was new. It made my eyes sting with tears of my own. However, I kept my composure. Katsuki needed me to be strong.

My legs made me quietly walk over to the small figure in the corner. I crouched down in front of him and placed my hand on his knee. He flinched, but didn't move away from me. I smiled softly, but it soon disappeared once I heard more sniffles and saw his hands produce more sparks that flew away from his head, thankfully.

"Katsuki, look at me." I rubbed my thumb softly over the top of his knee, trying to sooth his stress. When he didn't respond in any way, I move my hands to his. I took my time in doing so, giving him every chance to move away if he wanted.

His hands were in mine, then brought down in between us in the air. His head was still down against his legs, not looking up. Knowing him, we was embarrassed to show weakness. I however, did not give a single fuck if he was the strongest man on earth or if he was the runt of the litter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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