Chapter 2

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The next morning after Dwayne dropped JD off, we were in the student parking lot of the high school.

As we walked in I noticed that Dwayne's face changed quickly when his girlfriend, Jacqueline, came and hugged him. I guess she's the one that brightens his mood.....I see.

Speaking of girlfriend, mine just came and hugged me from behind. "Hey sweetie." I smiled.

"Hey." She greeted back (her name is Grace btw). "You looked a little sad when you walked."

"Oh no. I'm just worried about Dwayne." I said.

"Your brother?"

"No, my uncle."

"You can cut the sarcasm. I was making sure if that's who you were talking about." Grace said with a smile.

"Anyway, I just feel like...I don't know. It kinda feels like he doesn't like me anymore."

"What makes you say that?" Grace asked.

"We had a huge bond when we were younger, now it's just when I want to chill or talk with him it seems like he doesn't want to."

"Hmm. Maybe he's just going through a small phase most older teenagers go through. It might be your turn soon."

The bell rang for our first period. "Well I'll see you at lunch." Grace and I kissed and went our separate ways.


"I know I'm late but I finally watched the Deathly Hallows Part 2." Gretchen said.

"Yeah, you're like a whole ass year too late." Kamari teased.

"I mean I read the book, I already know the plot."

"'re late."

I just stared at my lunch tray faintly listening to my friends' conversation. I know it shouldn't really be this serious, but me and Dwayne's dying bond has been heavy on mind lately. It feels like I did something wrong or he just straight up doesn't like me anymore.

"Ricky, you prefer the movie or book?" Someone asked.

"Huh?" I quickly snapped out of my mind and saw Kamari looking at me.

"Deathly Hallows. Do you prefer the movie or book?"

"Oh....that's easy, the book is way better." I answered.

"See I told you the books are always better than the movies."

"Just because Ricky says the book is better doesn't make it true." Gretchen argued.

"To be honest, I don't know how I became friends with y'all." Grace said getting confused with our topic.

"Because you're dating a nerd. Now you bond with his nerd friends." Kamari said.

We all laughed at his answer. "It's cool though, I love my little nerdy boy." Grace hugged me and began to kiss my cheek multiple times.

"Grace, not in front of all these people." I said softly.

"You're never a fan of PDA." Grace smiled. "Anyway, are we still going to your place to finish this assignment?"

"Yeah." I answered. "Oh wait- I don't think I told Dwayne yet."

"Why does he need to know?"

"Because he's my transportation."

"Oh. I knew that."

"Apparently you didn't." I said


On my way to 8th period I tried to find Dwayne. I'm a little nervous cause I don't know how he's gonna take this last minute question. I soon found him near the stairway talking to Jacqueline and the light skin dude, I forgot his name.

"Hi Ricky." Jacqueline greeted me.

"Hello. D, I have to ask you something and it's a little last minute." I said nervously.

"What is it?" Dwayne asked.

"Me and Grace have planned that we can work on an assignment together at our place a few days ago and I forgot to ask you if you don't mind an extra person in your car?"

"Do I have to drive her back to her house?"

"No. Her dad will pick her up."

"Then no I don't mind."

"Oh okay. Thank you." Then I quickly walked away.

It felt like he had a certain tone in his voice that was like 'Why is this boy talking to me?' Is he really starting to not like me anymore?

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