CH1: Maggie

166 19 131

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The alarm goes off. It reads 05:00.

Another day.

Maggie gets up, wipes the sleep from her eyes, and proceeds with her morning routine.

(1) Breakfast: two pieces of buttered toast, juice, and maybe some bacon.

"Need to send an e-mail to Carol's parents."

(2) Shower: A warm, 25-minute wash if the heater cooperates (but today it doesn't, so a quick 15-minute one will do).

"Kyle hasn't been doing too well on his tests."

(3) Brush teeth. Tie up hair. Swipe on just a bit of lipstick.

"Gotta set an appointment with the counselor."

(4) Work clothes on. Shoes on. ID around the neck.
(5) Grab bag, phone, and packed lunch.
(6) Stove is off...check. Lights are off...check.
(7) Lock apartment up.
(8) Walk a few steps away from front door.
(9) Stop. Walk back to apartment. Unlock door.
(10) Quickly grab (almost) forgotten graded papers.
(11) Lock back up.
(12) Brisk walk to the bus stop.
(13) Wait for the bus (around 10 to 15 minutes).

"Gotta finish Allie's recommendation letter."
"Forgot to e-mail Mr. Burkins the draft for my test."
"Return graded papers to the kids today."

(14) Get on the bus. Find a seat. Relax for the rest of the 25 to 30-minute ride.

"Talk to David. Or at least try to..."

Maggie gets off the bus in front of a gated campus with "Northwood School" spelled out in big brass letters just beside a tall, black wrought iron gate. She greets the guard on duty and clocks in with the biometrics machine stationed conveniently at the entrance.

She passes a few sleepy-eyed students and some colleagues who she shares a word or two with. She enters the Senior High School building, goes up a flight of stairs, and turns right. 

Allie is already waiting outside her classroom and reading a book, along with a few other early birds, like Sandra and Owen. Tyler is early too, but gets a scolding from one of the teachers who sees him sprawled on the floor with his headphones blaring away. They greet Maggie politely when they see her.

Maggie continues walking until she reaches nearly the end of the hallway and enters the faculty office to her left.

She greets her colleagues who are already at their stations, sits at her desk, opens her laptop, and sends an e-mail to Mr. Burkins.

"Want some breakfast?" a colleague invites. 

She respectfully declines and proceeds to prepare for the day.


Proctoring during recess or lunch at the cafeteria is often a difficult chore for any teacher. Maggie has proctoring duties every Mondays and Fridays, and today is a Monday.

Truth be told, Maggie finds proctoring tolerable because it gives her the chance to chat with her students and get to know them.

Still, it's not an assignment teachers would fight each other for. 

What makes it challenging is not really because of the forty minutes of standing around and essentially babysitting high school kids. It's not the arduous task of reminding them to clean up after themselves. Not the awkwardness of breaking up teenagers getting handsy with each other.

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