Wednesday: Running into Washington D.C. traffic with two strangers

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"Lexi you need to get up, otherwise you'll miss the gathering!" her mom was shouting on the other side of the room while knocking hard on her bedroom door. Alexis turned around in her bed and grumbled.

"Alexis, get up now!"

Her mother stomped into her room and threw the light blue covers of her.

Cold air from the open window in her room rushed towards her and suddenly she was wide awake.

"Mom! Was that really necessary, I was on my way up!" Alexis groaned.

Her mother chuckled, " Yeah, right. If I hadn't barged in you never would have left your room."

Alexis rolled her eyes at the older copy of herself who was still smiling at her. "Yeah, yeah. Now get out, I need to get dressed." She threw a pillow at her, which she caught easily, and then she walked out of her room laughing.

Alexis sat down on her soft bed and ran her finger through the tangled nest she called her hair. She looked around her small room and then she made her way to her black closet. When she opened it she groaned. Her clothes were in a total mess and it looked like someone had just thrown them in there, (which she had because who had the time to fold their clothes, right?), and then she started digging through the mess in an attempt to find something fairly decent. Eventually, she found a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black tank top, that would have to do.

She got dressed quickly, looked at her reflection in the full-body mirror on the closet door, and then made her way towards the kitchen where her mother stood and made breakfast for both of them. The smell of bacon and scrambled eggs made her mouth water and she almost drooled. As if sensing her presence, Cassandra Grey turned around and smiled at her daughter, "Took you long enough", and then she started scooping up food on two plates.

Alexis sat down at the little wooden table in their kitchen as her mother placed the two plates down and sat opposite of her. As soon as she had her food in front of her she dug in with the speed of light like always. When she had finished, she looked up through her dark eyelashes at her mother and saw her shaking her head with an amused expression on her face. Alexis smirked at her as she walked to the sink with her plate, then she went back to her mother and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you for the breakfast, mom."

"No problem, sweetheart, but I really think you should hurry up now cause you need to leave in ten minutes."

Alexis' eyes widened in horror as she looked up to the little clock above the stove to confirm what her mother had said. When she saw what time it was she sprinted towards the little bathroom in their small apartment. When she reached the little room she basically threw open the door and ran in. The cool marble floor sent chills up her body as she hastily made her way towards the sink. She quickly brushed her teeth while going around the bathroom, desperate to find her hairbrush. When she finally found it she started to brush her hair which was incredibly painful since her hair was basically just a lot of knots, then she rushed out to the hall where she put on her white sneakers, snatched her black leather jacket from the hangers, and put it on. Just as she opened the door to make her way to her school, her mother stopped her by turning her around by her shoulder.

Alexis looked at her mother with a confused expression on her face that quickly changed to understanding as she held out her trident necklace.

"You almost forgot this, Lex." Her mother's voice was soft.

Alexis plastered a small smile on her face, "Thanks, mom", then she turned around once again so that her mother could put the necklace around her neck.

The piece of jewelry, which was a constant and painful reminder of her absentee father, was safely placed between her collarbones. Alexis wrapped her fingers around the bronze trident and let out a tired sigh. She loved the beauty of the necklace but she despised what it stood for which made her heart tear into two pieces when it came to wearing it. But Cassandra had always insisted that she'd wear it, she always said that it would protect her, which Alexis thought was ridiculous. How would a necklace be able to protect her?

Percy Jackson fanfic (for the time being)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora