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The morning sun lit up Hinata's room, urging him to wake up. As the rays blistered his eyelids, he finally opened them, staring out his window for a moment before sitting up. His eyes stung from the events of the night before, leaving his eyes red and puffy. He rose from bed and went to the bathroom linked to his room for a hot shower, letting the water wash away whatever left-over feelings he had. Soon he was towel-drying his hair with one hand and brushing his teeth with the other. He sluggishly got dressed in his new uniform, he was finally a first year at Karasuno High. He applied because they were known to have a nationals level volleyball team, and volleyball was really his only joy in life.

It was the end of his first day, and he was smiling as he made his way to the gym to apply for the volleyball club. Once he got there, he saw a tall, dark haired guy talking to what he assumed was the captain. Another silver haired guy saw Hinata and waved him over with a bright smile. "Hey there, you a first year?" The guy spoke. Hinata nodded with a smile, replying. "Yes, this is the volleyball club right? I'd like to apply if I can!" He said with energy. The guy laughed and nodded, getting him a sign-up form. "My name is Koshi Sugawara, but you can call me Suga!" Hinata took note, "I'm Shoyou Hinata, Hinata or Shouyo is fine, or even Sho." Suga nodded, Hinata used the wall as a surface to fill out the form then gave it back to Suga. By that time the captain, who had dark brown hair and tan skinned walked over with the tall guy. "Hey there, is this a new recruit Suga?" Suga nodded, earning more words from the captain. "Great! I'm Daichi Sawamura, Daichi or captain is fine." Hinata smiled with a nod, repeating his name then looked towards the tall guy, he spoke. "I'm first year Tobio Kageyama." Hinta heard that name before. He was a great player from Kitagawa First middle school, though he was known to be selfish and conceited. Hinata wanted to make friends if they were going to be on a team together. How bad could it be?

After Hinata spent time getting to know the other members of the team, and they all practicing together, he realized that Kageyama would avoid setting to him. He was irked by his, so he walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Kageyama? Can I ask why you wouldn't set to me? Suga did, and I think I spike pretty well. So I was just curious." Kageyama turned to him, looking him up and down. "I just don't think you're good enough to score points. So I'll set to those who are good enough. Like Tanaka and Asahi." Hinata was a bit hurt by his words, but he came to realize this is just who he was. So he was going to prove to him that he's good enough to be getting his sets. Hinata gathered his stuff and went home for the night.

That night, his father came home angry like usual, so he tried to just hide in his room and do his homework. It didn't take long for his father to yell for him with a raspy voice. Hinata sighed and went downstairs to his father who was laying on the couch now. "Yes dad?" His father scoffed, looking over at him. "Why isn't dinner ready? Your mother is working another late shift so its your job to cook." Hinata clenched his jaw. "No one told me so I didn't know to cook. I'll get started now." He moved off to the kitchen, and starting cooking for him, his parents, and his little sister Natsu. After dinner he went to go lock himself up in his room, but his father grabbed his arm before he could. "Where do you think you're going? You need to clean up." Hinata pulls his arm away, speaking softly. "Mom said when I cook, you clean up.." This comment made his father backhand him in the face, causing Hinata to gasp and grab at his cheek, tearing up. "You clean, Shoyou." His father spoke, leaning down to be closer to him. "Or do I have to punish you again?" This made Hinata wince and start cleaning the kitchen. Afterwards he had locked himself in his room and then locked himself in his bathroom. His cheek was already forming a soft bruise as he looked in the mirror. Hinata hated it at home. He just wanted to be anywhere but here. Why did it have to be him who was treated this way?

Hinata crawled into bed after doing what he normally did before bed. Putting new cuts on his hips and upper thighs. It was the only thing that brought him any kind of relief, sad isn't it? He cleaned the fresh cuts, laying down and putting his arms over his face. His eyes stung from crying again, he let out a long sigh before drifting off to sleep, not waking thankfully until morning. 

*Author's Note*

Its a short piece, but I'm hoping to update at least every other week, so looking at twice a month, maybe? For another lame Haikyuu AU (hoping to make a first post by Nov. 1st 2020), go to my Instagram @ spookyotaku

That's also where you can ask me any questions or make any suggestions for either of my two AU's! Thanks and enjoy! ♥

Tattered Wings (KageyamaxHinata) | Haikyuu!! (MOVED TO AO3)Where stories live. Discover now