Chapter 10

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Jacob's POV

We knew she wasn't coming back anytime soon, but we still waited two hours for her on that road. Alyssa cried for a while after losing two of her best friends, but eventually gave up and just paced for a while. Ethan had comforted her and paced with her. Faith just kind of sat on the floor with Zac next to her as he held her close. She had never been an emotional person, but I could see she was holding back tears. Finally, we got up and grabbed our things out of the destroyed cars, and walked home.

I had been walking alone for about half an hour now, just thinking. I didn't know if I would ever see Belle again and Rylee and Dylan were dead. I knew I would have to tell their parents. That would probably be one of the hardest things I would ever have to do.

It took a while and quite a few tears, but I finally did and was heading home. Rylee and Dylan's parents were really distraught and they all cried for a while before thanking me for telling them. They told me they were going to have the funeral and then move homes. Rylee's parents would head to Australia while Dylan's would move to England. I can't imagine how hard it would be to lose a child.

Alyssa had offered to go and tell Belle's parents what had happened.

Alyssa's POV

I walked alone to Belle's house. Her mum answered the door.

"Alyssa! What happened to you?!" Mrs Smith exclaimed with a slight look of horror in her eyes.

"Come in! Come in!" She said. I walked inside and she called for Mr Smith to come down stairs and he did. He looked horrified at me as well.

"Please sit and tell us everything that happened," Mr Smith said. I took a seat on the couch and almost burst into tears.

"We were on our way home from Honecoming, and we were attacked by Viacons." I looked at the floor, "Rylee and Dylan were killed and Belle was taken away." That's when I started to cry.

"Rylee and Dylan were brave people. They will always be in our hearts," Mrs Smith said.

"We'll get Belle back. But in the meantime, we must prepare."

"For what?" I sniffled.

"The war," Mr Smith said.

Jacob's POV

I got home and opened the door. There wasn't anyone home because mum and dad were out shopping for groceries, according to the message they had left me on the fridge. I wasn't sure what to do with myself, so I started a diary on my laptop. After that, I just burst into tears and sat on my bed thinking. I had lost three people in the past 24 hours and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I had to find Belle. I tried tracking her again, but got the same zapping pain.

Belle's POV

It had been three hours since I had been taken and I just sat in the bedroom Trazellda had showed me to. I could only sit there on the bed and think. The room was beautiful, like something from 15th century England with it's large bed and floral wallpaper. The theme of the room was cream and pale blue. I asked Trazellda why it was these colours, and she replied saying that it changed depending on who was inside it. There was a large walk in closet and the whole room was lined with gold. Real, genuine gold and a diamond in each corner. There was also a window on each side which looked over the entire world in our world from each window. I must have been sitting above the entrance to the cave at the top of the mountain where I had a 360° view of the place. It was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it made me really miss my house. I wanted to see my family again, my friends, Jacob. I missed them though it hadn't been long since I had seen them. As I sat there daydreaming, I got that sudden sharp pain in my head like before and in between my shoulder blades ached a lot more. I needed to see a doctor about my back, there was something seriously wrong. And the zapping in my head. Breakfast came to my door, delivered by no one; just floating mindlessly in the air, bobbing a little. I took it and didn't really know what to do, so I said thank you to the air and closed the trap door. I just sat in my room in silence, eating breakfast. I put the empty tray on my bedside table after finishing off the toast with honey, the apple and the glass of strawberry milk. Trazellda really did know me; this was what I had for breakfast everyday at home. I wasn't sure whether I should eat it or not from fear of being poisoned, but gave in because I was starving. The tray sat lonesome next to the old crystal lamp as I had a shower in my bathroom. I then got changed into the provided pyjamas, which didn't fit me but adjusted themselves to do so, and climbed into bed. I hadn't slept in who knows how long, so I drifted off quite quickly.

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