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With two days to the meeting, the group decided to go to the closest shopping area. Aistel wasn't having much fun, but Tons and Irene were excited to see all the Fae clothes, jewelry and shoes.

"Can you believe the amount of precious gems they put on those shoes? And that dress that gave Aisti wings? Still think you should have brought that one, Aisti." She said as she snipped on her drink.

They were sitting at a cafe with shopping bags surrounding them. Tons was eating a large amount of food. A huge burger, waffle fries, and a large milkshake. He was watching Aistel pick at her ribs and felt she was still off. "Hey Angel. Still thinking about Castien... and Ricky? Try not to. I know that's hard, but try to enjoy today. Ok?" He asked her.

Aistel gently took Tons' hand and rested it on her cheek. A couple Fae girls walked by and giggled at the sight. Tons pulled his seat closer to Aistel. So close that her knees ended up between his. Irene rolled her eyes as she twirled her spoon in her drink.

"You two look like a cute couple. Seriously, you guys look so good together it's sickening. I've never looked that good with a boyfriend. Martin was barely interested in me." She signed.

Aistel seemed shocked. "What happened with Martin? Did you cheat on you? I'll break him if you want." She asked Irene.

Irene let out a hearty laugh. "Nah no cheating. Apparently he's intimidated by Sebastian. I didn't realize he was such a petty and insecure man. So I guess Tons was right. He was not a good choice for a boyfriend." She said with a sad smile.

Tons reached over to Irene and rubbed her shoulders. "Look don't say that. Martin does care. It's just that... He's always been insecure. People usually mistreat him due to his gyft. I didn't think you two should have dated and I still don't think you two should be together. Martin will never feel comfortable. He needs to work that out on his own. I don't want you to get hurt." He said.

Aistel smiled at Irene, who smiled back. "Irene... He is unwell and unfit. Don't cry about him ok? I don't like you to be sad." She said.

Irene laughed at Aistel's word, causing her to be startled. "I love you too, Aistel."

It was the next day, and the three of them arrived at Aistel's new hotel room. It was a suite that was big enough for the three of them. As they were sitting in the living looking through the clothes they brought, they were laughing and talking. Aistel was allowing Tons to lay across her lap as she played in his hair.

When the hell did they become so comfortable? Irene thought to herself. She had noticed they had grown much closer over the last few days. "Have you two had sex?" She asked out loud.

Tons started laughing uncontrollably when he heard her say that. "I wish!" He said in between laughter.

Aistel was just playing on her phone, ignoring everything that was happening. "I'm confused why it matters, Irene. We didn't though. I haven't had sex with anyone. Though I probably would rather Tons take it." She said nonchalantly.

Tons shot up to a sitting position and turned his back on Aistel. "You don't mean that. Do you?" He asked.

"OMG. Stop being so excited about that, Gabriel! It doesn't matter who did it..." Irene said.

"No. I've wanted Tons. I've always preferred Tons. I choose him over all other men. I only want Tons." Aistel said. Her eyes seemed to glow when she said it.

Tons had turned to her and was watching her. "Ok. I get it. Same. I want you and only choose you. Ok Angel?" He said to her softly.

"Ugh, you guys are so cheesy. I hate it so much. I'm going to my room. Y'all suck." Irene said as she marched off to her room.

Tons stood up and sat next to Aistel, wrapping his arms around her. Whether her true feelings or just for the fact that she enjoyed the attention he gave her. He was just happy she let him near her.

The next afternoon, they were all getting ready to go to the gala before the meeting that evening. Aistel was allowing a fae hairdresser to do her hair. "Now, Aistel, can I see this hair straightened? This color is amazing. I could also add some bouncy curls. Oh, and we should use gold makeup! Your skin tone will look amazing!" The stylist said.

Aistel just sighed. "My dress is white with silver accents. I don't think gold would look nice with that. Would it Ire?" She turned to ask Irene, who was also getting her hair and makeup done.

"Well, my dress is green with gold accents. So I'm getting nude makeup. You should use silver on Aistel, Junie. I think it gives her a very regal look." Irene said with a smile at Aistel.

Tons had gotten his hair washed and styled. All he had to do now was put on his clothes later before they left. "Aistel, would look amazing in gold, but I love when she wears silver glitter. Oh, add the glitter around her eyes." He said watching the Stylist fuss with her hair.

"What is your name, by the way?" Aistel asked the stylist.

The stylist smiled and flipped her hair. "Name is Moli. I am a stylist to all the big stars here in Faeland. When I saw your picture, Aistel, I just knew I had to style you! You looked like a supermodel." She said giving Aistel a hug.

Aistel gently shrugged her off. "Please refrain from hugging me. I don't like to be hugged by someone I don't know." She said.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I know you are a bit different from other humans. Please do accept my apologizes for my actions, Lady Aistel." Moli said as she bowed.

Aistel simply waved her hand. "You are fine. Let's just finish up. We all need to be ready to leave in the next 2 hours. I hate being late." She said as she adjusted herself in her seat. She hated her hair straight but was ok with doing it, just this time. 

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