Chapter 24

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Since srsoor is coming uh..when
~Half an hour~
Yes! After tomorrow Sunday I guess I got nothing to do

Srsoor's POV

I'm excited for seeing Mariam again!
But she told me to take anything I want
But my stuff are a lot uh oh
WELL I can buy new clothes so I will take few clothes from now
And uh ..I guess I have to call Mariam
~few minutes~
She won't answer me :(
I'm going to walk down the street
I grab my phone and my jacket and out my shoes on and walked outside
The fresh air hit me I smiled and looked around
And walked around the street
I smiled and waved to every person I saw wow i will seriously miss this place!
" I'm good girl..loves my mama..loves Jesus and American too, I'm good girl crazy 'bout Elvis loves horses and one direction too," I sang along while walking down the street
Mariam's POV

"Uh! What !? Who is it?" I whined lazily getting up and walking towards the door
I opened the door and found austin smiling I was shocked by him coming over but uh I won't be alone xD
"Hey" he said smiling
"Hi" I said back
"Mind if I came in?" Austin said as I nod stepping alittle bit away so he can come in
"Uh can I know why you're here?" I asked austin and walked to the living room making sure that he's after me
"Well I just came to say hi" he smiled
Wow that's really nice of him :)
"That's nice!" I smiled
"Well how are you?" Austin asked as I turn the tv on
"Uh..I'm fine what about you?" I asked him looking at the tv screen
"Too many sleepless night.." Austin mumbled
"What?" I said looking at him with a worried face
"Nothing.." He said as he smiled I can see that it's actually fake
"You sure??" I said and he nod
Austin's POV
Stupid me why I said too many sleepless night!
I don't even know why am I here
But it's great to see her
We stayed quite and watch tv then suddenly Mariam say
"Hey want a drink from the kitchen?" She asked me as she stands up
"Just water" I smiled at her as she nod smiling and walked to the kitchen and I sit there all alone thinking
"I'm walking away...from the troubles in my life I'm walking away" I sang softly with moving my head a little bit
"Uh austin you okay?" I turn around and found Mariam looking at me with an confused look which made me feel awkward
I opened my mouth to say something but I guess Mariam's phone ring
I look at it and grab it and walk towards Mariam and handed it to her
"Thank you" she smiled as I nod and she give me a glass of water and walk around talking on the phone

Mariam's POV
It was srsoor on the phone
Srsoor: hey!
Me: hey girl what's up?
Srsoor: nothing much just bored you?
Me: I'm hanging out with austin
Srsoor: making out with austin?
Austin look at me when he heard me saying his name I smiled back
Srsoor: ooooohhh my bad *giggles*
Me: yeah yeah, where are you , are you out there's some kids voice
Srsoor: their my kids
Me: WHAT!?
Srsoor: *laughs hard* I I'm kidding
Me: must be
Srsoor: what, can't I have kids?
Me: oh god..shut up already
Srsoor: fine *giggles*
Me: mhm so did you put some of your stuff on your bag?
Srsoor: I'm lazy
Me: you're moving after tomorrow!
Srsoor: I knoooow
Me: you should put your stuff on their bags !
Srsoor: okay okay
Me: you know their a lot of stuff *sighs*
Srsoor: I swear to god I get it
Me: yup anyway I gotta go
Srsoor: take care
Me: you too
Srsoor: wow it's the first-
And I hung up on her face

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