Chapter 32 - Gon

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Killua's POV

My classes were all good. I had kurapika in most and leorio in 3 and with gon i had all so far. But I felt sad whenever I see gon. He is ignoring me. I thought when i see him again we will kiss and hug but apparently reality took a different turn...It was lunch time and I  was walking through the halls. Suddenly I saw gon walking into the art room. I though for a second.

I entered the art room and saw gon sitting in a table drawing. He looked up at me and rolled his eyes. "What are you doing here?" He said

"I- I wanted to talk to you" I said siting in front of him

"What?" He said

"Why are you being like this gon. I thought you liked us" I said

"I don't know." He said

"Especially me..." I said looking down

"What does that mean?" Gon said

"You said you loved me...weren't you happy with me..." I said

"Ew! No! Ok what happened in 11 grade. Stays in 11th grade. I don't love you anymore killua. Im over you" he said laughing


"Look whatever I said in 11th grade. Just pretend I never did. Like thinking about it makes me wanna throw up" he said

"What is wrong with you! So what our relationship never happened! The sex never happened!" I said yelling

"Sex?! Oh god" gon said covering his face "this is embarrassing can't believe I lost my virginity to you" he said

"Technically you lost it with you're ex girlfriend..." i said

"I did! Oh thank god! But anyways, yeah we never happened ok?" He said standing up "and if you so as hell tell anyone that i kissed you! Or fucked you! You're dead!" He said before walking away.

"Gon" i said

"What is it now!" He said turning around

"We had a rough start" i said standing up and walking towards him "Im killua zoldyck" I said

"Let me guess you're the kind of guy that wont give up so I'll fall for you again" he said

"You're not wrong" i said

"You think that's cute?" Gon said annoyed

"Do you think its cute?" I said smirking. Gon rolled his eyes.

"I'm done here" gon said walking away

"I've never stop loving you gon. Im not sure i can..." I said "how many times gon! How many times are we gonna push each other away!" I said feeling the tears fill my eyes

"Until it sticks! I don't want you anymore killua!" Gon said yelling

"What did they do to you..." I said

"They fixed me duh! Im a better person now" gon said smirking. He leaned close to me so we were inches away. I almost wanted to kiss him. "Is this what you want?" he said holding my face. "Are you that desperate for me" gon said breathing down my neck. Gon was pretty short compared to me.

"Uh-y-yeah" i said. gon tiptoed so he was leaning into my ear. He licked my ear lobe

"In you're dreams zoldyck" he said walking out of the classroom

"You're crazy" i mumbled to myself. I walked out of the classroom and went to the bleachers where kurapika and leorio were "I just had the most craziest talk with gon" i said sitting down

"What do you mean?" Kurapika said

"He's gone crazy" I said

"Uh-" leorio said

"Yeah...but I'm not giving up! I'm gonna get my gon back!" I said

"Yeah! I miss my best friend" kurapika said. Leorio agreed

"Im going to find out what those motherfuckers did to gon" I said getting mad.

"And were here to support you killua" leorio said. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks guys" i said and hugged them.

"Hey killua!" I heard someone say. I looked down and saw gon.

"Hi?" I said. Gon ran up to us and smiled

"So see those people down there" gon said pointing at the people

"Yeah?" We said confused

"Well...we wanted to do something" he said smirking

"What is it?" I said looking at gon.

"This!" Gon said spilling a whole cup of paint into my hair. I gasped and stood up quickly. The people that were in the bottom ran to us and did the same to leorio and kurapika. "Remember when you did the the same with me but with juice?" He said smirking "I just wanted revenge" gon said laughing. "Gosh killua you look so handsome now!" Gon said cupping my face.

"Asshole!" I said to gon.

"Glad to hear that" gon said smiling. "Stay away from me killua, don't try anything funny" gon whispered into my ear. "Lets go guys" gon said walking off the bleachers

"Yeah gon has gone insane" kurapika said taking off some of the paint that was in his face

"He's a bully!" Leorio yelled "gon you asshole! Fuck you!" Leorio yelled at gon. Gon looked up at us and laughed.

"What are we gonna do..." I said frowning.

"I-i don't know" kurapika said

"I'm going to beat the fuck out of him!" Leorio yelled

"Hey leorio! That's my man you're talking about!" I said

"No he is not! You're man is sweet innocent gon. Not devil bitch gon!" Leorio said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll think of something tomorrow" I said sitting down.

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