chapter i

366 13 12

Lonesome Town - Rick Nelson

One Year Later, October 31

It's been a whole year since tragedy struck. A whole year without my friends. A whole year full of depression and PTSD. I have recovered a lot since but I sometimes still slip and fall on my face. I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for a month after the murders. The scarier thing is it was the exact same hospital Michael was sent to years ago.

I would have episodes where I was mute and I'd cry to myself. If someone tried talking me out of my trance I would flip out at them. But that is no longer me. I'm much better. I even made a new friend during my last year at high school. I'm nineteen now. I still live with my parents. I'm struggling to pay taxes. I've got barely any money in my pockets. But it's okay. The only way I'm surviving right now is by working extra shifts at my job. I work at a market. It's just a little grocery store not even a few blocks away.

My parents always check up on me and ask me tons of questions about the situation last year. I hate answering them. I have lied to so many people. No one knows that I let him go. I still can't process that part. Why I let a serial killer loose.

The police showed up just as he made his escape. He was so close to being locked away for life but I changed that. I hate myself for it every day. My friends deserve justice and I did not give it to them.

Michael made me realize something. He took away two people I thought I didn't like. He took away someone I loved. In the end, I realized I loved every single person. Bri, she was my closest friend. Of course I loved her. Michelle, we drifted last year but we began getting closer. Jason, I hated the guy all of high school but I realized just how determined and caring he was. He sacrificed so much going into his own house to see if Bri was there. He risked getting murdered. Even if he was mad at me, he still sort of saved us. I know things between Michelle and I ended rough but I understand why.

Why would a serial killer who everyone thinks is a scary story come to life? It sounded ridiculous. I don't blame any of them for not believing me. I probably wouldn't believe me either.

I have never visited their gravestones yet. I haven't had the mental health for it. Or the strength. But today I was going to finally see them. I thought it was appropriate since it has been a year without them all.

My dad and mom decided to come with me. They weren't as emotional as me since they weren't their friends but they still sympathized and showed love. I wore one of Michelle's necklaces with a black cardigan and my regular blue jeans. The necklace I wore was super important to her. She was always wearing it.

"Are you ready to go see them?" My mom turned around in her seat to see me. We were in my dad's car parked in the parking lot of the cemetery. I nodded. Even when I wasn't totally ready to go I still had to. It was the right thing to do.

We all stepped out of the car and began making our way through the gravesite. Everyone's stones welcomed us. The vibe I felt there was so eerie. Everywhere I stepped it felt like someone's eyes were on me. My paranoia was settling in. And it hit its peak when my mom guided me to the first stone. Michelle's.

Here lies Michelle Abby Brookingson
19 June 2002 - 31 October 2020

I looked down at her beautiful stone, grazed with brightly colored pink flowers. My eyes were starting to water up. She didn't deserve it. None of it. She was innocent. All she ever wanted to do was become a nurse in the medical field. She was so close to graduating.

My mom rubbed my back as I began crying in front of the grave. My dad grabbed a hold of my hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Cry it all out, honey," my mom said. "Yes, do whatever makes you feel better," my dad added.

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