chapter iii

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I Still Love You - Kiss

Nothing has a happy ending. Not even a happy ending has a happy ending. There's always something that kills the happiness. Once Upon a Time stories always end with And They Lived Happily Ever After, but that was not my case.

Michael had to snatch his knife back from upstairs and then we had to go. We had to run quickly. We rushed out of the shattered window we got in from and took off past so many dark houses. I hope we didn't make much noise.

My feet and legs hurt from walking so fast. I might've gotten a shard of glass stabbed into me again because something was causing a shooting pain in my thigh again. The same thigh.

The piece of curtain tied around my leg was starting to loosen and that wasn't good. That was stopping my bleeding. Michael was walking so fast compared to me. I could hardly catch up.

"Michael!" I shouted in a whisper. He stopped and turned to look at me. I was bent over, trying to tighten the pressure.

I bit my lip as the pain came harder. Blood was dripping down my skin again.

"I don't know if I can go any longer," I yelped, falling on my hands and knees. I had to move my body to sit on my butt, I tried taking the glass out of my leg but it was only cutting me more.

"Mmph!" I let out, trying to silence my noises. Michael wasn't sure what to do. There wasn't much he could do anyway.

I gave the glass a huge tug and ripped it out of my skin. My scream was so close to being heard but I bit down on my lip harder.

My hands found their way down to my Halloween dress. It was getting bloodier from the second. I used all of my strength to rip a piece of it off. I ripped off more than I wanted and now my dress was short. Whatever. I made sure to cut any circulation off with this new wrap on my same thigh. The feeling of needles was already prickling my body.

Blood was already seeping through the piece of fabric. This wasn't good at all.

"Michael, help get me up, please. We gotta go," I somberly cried. If I couldn't make it, I couldn't make it. I honestly didn't care anymore.

He reached his empty hand down to me and I pulled on it with both of my hands clamped onto him. It was a real struggle getting up, there was so much pain. But I eventually made it back up.

We took off farther away from Michael's home. My lungs couldn't catch any air. It was like I was having an asthma attack. I wasn't diagnosed or anything so this was weird. Maybe I'm just dying.

Kids were outside trick or treating with their friends and family. We had to cross a street and people started pointing us out.

"Look, Mommy! It's The Boogeyman!" A little boy said. I looked over at him and saw his mom's face. She looked horror-struck but also confused. "Benji, let's not talk to him, okay?" She tried covering his eyes from Michael.

She was watching me limp across the road, I think she noticed my blood too. She reached in her pocket for her phone and that's when I knew she was calling the police.

"Benji, we should go home now," she worried. Michael was already on the other side of the road while I was slowly coming up from behind.

There weren't many people out getting candy this year. I don't blame them. There was a caution to not be out late and make sure to stay close to others. All because of Michael. This whole town is under fire. I honestly don't think Halloween will ever be the same here. Everyone's going to be scared to go trick or treating. Having to worry about staying alive seems really intimidating. I'm going to make sure Halloween gets back to normal, though. Michael needs to be stopped.

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