VAni TS: Tum Mile (Part 1)

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"Is this the best you can do...?..."
Veer roared at the pride of peacocks who were fighting him...

"Mayuri, Did you really think that the poison you gave me will weaken me enough for you to kill me...?"
He roared angrily at Mayuri...

He was bleeding all over from this outnumbered fight and he could feel his energy draining from his body because of the poison...It was even messing with his ability to transform but he wasn't going to give his enemies an upper hand by letting them know that...He would have to finish them off before he lost his powers completely...

He should have known that it was Mayuri who was attacking him from behind...
Veer thought to himself while fighting....
He had his doubts but he ignored his gut feeling and here he was...

"What can I say Veer...I have plans baby...and only if I take you out of the picture will I be able to get what I want...And for that I really have to and will finish you off..."
Mayuri said smirking as she gestured few of the peacocks to restrain him...

"I can and I will take each and every one of you down even without my powers..."
Veer said angrily he fluttered his wings in his human form sending the ichadari peacocks tumbling into the floor..

Roaring with rage he ran towards mayuri to attack her only to see her look behind him with a smirk...

"Why...?What happened...?Why did you stop...?I didn't know that ichadari peacocks were such cowards..."
Veer taunted...

Mayuri gestured towards something behind him turning into a peacock instantly...

Veer turned to see a humongous magestic red naagin slither towards him...
He knew in his heart who it was...
She was quite different from all the naag naagins he had seen throughout his life...
That was how he knew...
This was the adhi naagin...
The one destined to end him...

"Oh...This is just great...Only this was left to rock the party..."
He thought as he braced himself for another fight...This time an even deadlier one...He might have had a chance of surviving with this fight against the ichadari peacocks...and even with this aadhi naagin...

But he wasn't that sure anymore...especially in his weakened state he knew he wasn't going to come out of this fight against the aadhi naagin alive...

"Sweetheart...maybe by the end of this you will really be free from me and this marriage like you wished for..."
Veer thought to himself remembering his wife...

When he first met her he had wanted to spend each and every one of his janms with his Sweetheart...

but then Bani had killed his brother...At that time he had wondered how his human wife was able to kill a cheel like his brother...but that was before he found the knife on his brother's body...the knife of mrityu devtha...
She had attacked him with that...

How she happened to get the knife in the first place he didn't know...maybe she got it just how she got hold of the antidote for the naagfani from the Naag mandir...
He thought...

It was really hard to hate the one he loved so much...and to forget what she did to his brother...and even harder to stop loving her...

He still loved much that the thought of dying and leaving her was tearing him apart...

Looks like in this janm their relationship was bound to end prematurely...
Veer thought with a sigh as he watched the naagin slither towards him...

He prepared himself for fighting, there was no way he was going to go down without a fight...

To his surprise the naagin stopped right next to him as if checking on him...
Ok that was weird...

VAni TS: Tum Mile (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now