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The Wii U was a failure because Nintendo got arrogant. Thanks to the Wii's success, they made many little mistakes. It's not easy for such a huge company like Nintendo to make such a huge blunder. Nintendo sold only 13.56 million consoles and lost a total of $49 million dollar. Their lowest selling home console to date. However, it seems Nintendo has learned from their mistakes. Three years in the Nintendo Switch is doing amazing selling 61.44 million consoles so far. That's nearly 5 times the Wii U in almost half the time. With the Switch, Nintendo's future looks bright. The Switch has made Nintendo much wealthier and has repaired the damage the Wii U did. Nintendo is pumping out quality titles that are fun and enjoyable. The Switch caters to both children, teenagers, and adults. With games for every age group the Switch has been flourishing and will probably do so until the day it dies and is discontinued. Even now, it's selling incredibly well, with promising new releases planned for years to come, the Switch is set to make a mark on gaming history.

And there you have it. The story of the Wii U's failure. Honestly I'm not sure what Nintendo was thinking with this. I don't get why they didn't realize how big of a mistake they were going to make. The Wii U is an idea that shouldn't have left the mind of whoever thought of it first. But here's the thing, I went to the doctor for my weird case of optimism, turns out I've been clinically diagnosed with LemmyYouHaveTooMuchOptimismitis. This disease is fatal and if I don't do anything about this I'm going to die in 90-100 years! 

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