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*1 year later*
Me and Derek both made it onto the BAU
Ian works as an EMT

*My team*
Aaron Hotchner(Hotch)
David Rossi(Rossi/Dave)
Penelope Garcia(Garcia/Penelope/Pen)-Technical Analyst
Spencer Reid(Reid/Spence)-Smartest person on the team
Jennifer Jareau(JJ)
Emily Prentiss(Prentiss/Emily/Em)
Luke Alvez(Luke/Alvez)
Matt Simmons (Matt)
I walk in with a box of Donuts and Coffee for everyone. Emily Sees me first.
"Have I ever told you I love you?"
"All the time" I say handing her a coffee.
"Guys Lani bought breakfast" I hear Rossi yell racing everyone else down the steps.
"You know 4,500 people a month are injured running down steps" Spencer says walking down the steps.
"Yea yea pretty boy take the coffee and walk away" Derek says.

After grabbing their coffee everyone disperses.

"Hey you uh talked to your family lately?"
Derek asks me not looking up.
"Not since last month. Why?"

"Guys we got a case"
"Coming Garcia"

"3 women have been found mutilated and shoved into bags with their names stitched onto them and placed on the doorsteps of their loved ones" Garcia says briefing us on the case.

"It could possibly be a sadist. You know getting off on inflicting physical pain on them and emotional pain on their loved ones" Emily says

"He also takes pictures of the bags from the victims phones and sends it their loved ones saying a package has been delivered" I say "I won't be ordering anything anytime soon"

"That is just sick" JJ says

Hotch ends the meeting with wheels up in 30.

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