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Once I walked into the BAU Garcia pulled me to her office where Rossi, Luke, Matt, Emily, Jj, even Reid were waiting.

"What's going on?" Luke looked at me. "We need answers" "answers? To what?"
"Oh I don't know, stolen Car, Sammi in a crate, Stolen lazer, and the Steve story. Ring any bells" Derek walked in. "What's going on here?"
"They wanna know about my Milkovich phase" Reid looked at me.
"Your what phase?"
"Lani has a friend, Mickey Milkovich, his family is known for their ways. Let's just say he wasn't the best influence" I looked at him.
"He wasn't even there when I helped Steve. Or with the car. Now that I think about it Steve wasn't a good influence either"

Rossi looked at me. "Garcia look up the last name Milkovich please" everyone turned to watch her type. As soon as she was done everybody gasped and looked at me. "Wait that's the guy from the jail. Lani, tell me you didn't help him assault the florist" I looked away. "The bitch was homophobic. How can you be a florist and not do business with the gays?" "PREACH" Emily shouted I threw my hands up "one more question for today. Who was the drunk guy who called you a pussy?" "That would be the famous Frank Gallagher. My father"

Filler chapter. I'm thinking about killing off Monica early because I'm running out of ideas. 

On the bright side ..... Its my birthday🤭♥️🎉🎂

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