Chapter 4

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We live because of the dead


Dr. Solace started to get jumpy. Those who watched prepared to step in. Shadows skirted across the lights.


Shadow Man led him to the basement door, a door Nico hadn't tried to touch in a long time. Finding it locked always led to disappointment.

But this time, Shadow Man opened it. And with the door opening also came that smell he had almost forgotten.

The smell of Bianca, of Zoe, the smell that started when Bianca stopped moving and got stronger when Zoe joined her.



At the sound of his name Nico flew down the steps, kicking up dust, sneezing and coughing but finding who he had left. Momma sat where he last saw her, not having moved an inch, smelling and melting and eyeballs having fallen to the foor.

Just like Bianca had once looked. But now Bianca and Zoe were just white bones.


"I believe you, Nico, I do...but remember what I said about hallucinations? Maybe your brain was sick. It was tricking you."

"My brain's not sick! He unlocked the door!"

A voice spoke in Dr. Solace's earpiece. Police monitoring. "The door's lock was broken by unknown means"


Shadow Man spread over the basement as Nico screamed for his momma to wake up. His arms and his legs covered the walls and ceiling and floor.

His arms knocked the boards off the small rectangles. Snap snap bang Dust covered the floor and light came in.

He felt like his eyes were gonna fall out like his momma's had. That same pain he felt when They brought out the light.

Shadow Man kept pointing to the light.

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