Chapter 7

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Run boy, run boy

The chant echoed in his ears.

Run boy, run boy

It was too far and too near

Run boy, run boy

It was everywhere

Run boy, run boy

The dead were everywhere.




Nico did what he had to do. He did what Shadow Man made him do. He crawled out of that rectangle, into the light, took off running because that's all he knew to do.

Shadow Man didn't follow. His long arms couldn't stretch into the light.

But there were other shadows. When his eyes stopped melting and the light wasn't so painful, he could see the shadows. They ran alongside him until they fell back. They crept out of tall things and short things and things he had never seen before. They crept out of himself.

And they all whispered.

Run boy, run boy

When his legs hurt too bad and his eyes had melted away, they whispered before he could stop.


Loud, too loud. Yelling and screaming and whispering and screaming

Run boy


never stop

never stop


keep running

They're gonna get you

So loud like momma's cries and Zoe's cries. His legs collapsed but they kept on screaming and everything hurt but they didn't stop.

He tore tore tore at his ears and they bled bled bled onto the ground and they still didn't stop

They're coming

They're gonna get you


They sounded like Shadow Man but they'd never be him. His legs refused to move and listen to them. He couldn't hear anything and one of his ears was in his hand.






He wanted momma


Dr. Solace moved his hand to Case 142's cheek, then to the sewn-on ears and the blood-clotted hair.

"You don't have to run anymore, They're never gonna get you. You're safe here."

The shadows whispered different. Run run run, they still chanted. Case 142 could only ignore them when looking into Dr. Solace's eyes, and maybe that was what he liked about him.

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