Author's Note

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This book is a work in progress which needs some serious editing and a crossover from the Pendant of Dragons book series, available from and other book sellers worldwide. I'll be releasing chapters sporadically as I complete them. Comments are always welcome. There are adult themes and mature content. Chapters are long because this is written as a print fantasy book. There may be some triggering themes. Please enjoy the first book of my new series "Song of the Ocean."

A big thank you to Clarity Townsend for her support and encouragement, and for doing the title on my cover. It's so much better than what I did. And thanks to Liv Evans for the writing sprints that urged me on to write. You're both amazing!

Song of the Ocean: Daughter of the Crestian Sea is Copyrighted 2011 - 2021 by Keely Isabella Frost. All characters, places and events are a work of fiction and original creations by the author, as are the artworks. Written permission must be provided for use of any of the work herein.

Song of the Ocean: Daughter of the Crestian Sea - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now