chapter 1

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     Jack was failing all his classes. Ok so like, not every single one, he was doing fine in art. But everything else? His grades were dropping so hard. Usually The World, a free private school for "kids with potential," would simply kick out anyone who wasn't doing well, but they recently got sued for this. Thanks to this, Jack was now being assigned a tutor. Honestly, it wasn't the ideal situation for him. Being stuck with someone smarter than him, with all ap classes, who's probably gonna look down on him or get upset when he's struggling with something. But it wasn't the ideal situation to get kicked out either, so he took the tutor.
     Jack was ignoring all of the noise around him at lunch of the rowdy table he sat at. He shared lunch with a good chunk of his friends from the Journalism club. They've known each other since they were really young, so they weren't exactly afraid to open up around each other. Joking, laughing, throwing shit at each other and all those things. Jack ignored all of this, he was too busy being deep in thought about his new tutor. Some kid named David Jacobs. They were in the same grade, but Jack never knew, meaning he was definitely right about the all ap classes thing.
"Jack, you alright?" Katherine lightly tapped him on the shoulder. Jack hadn't known Katherine as long as everyone else, she had just transferred to this school last year but she still fit right in with them.
"Yeah, the school's just givin' me this tutor."
"Really? Thats great Jack! I'm glad you can finally get help for your grades," Jack didn't respond, just sighed and looked down at his phone, "Or, is it not a good thing?"
"Well, I mean yeah my grades could get a little better,"
"Or a lot better," Crutchie, who was Jack's adopted brother, interrupted.
"Yeah, or a lot better," Jack confirmed, "But I don't wanna deal with some kid who thinks they's smarter than me just 'cus I got bad grades."
"I'm sure it won't be a problem, Jack," Katherine took her hand off of Jack's shoulder and rested her elbows on the table, talking with her hands, "I mean, I know some kids who are doing the tutor program and they're not all assholes."
"Do you know a David Jacobs?"
Katherine's eyes lit up, "Yeah, of course I know Dave! We work together on projects in class all the time. He'll be a great tutor Jack, you don't even have to worry."
"Oh yeah, I forget that you's a nerd. Probably know every nerd in this school."
"Yeah," Crutchie chuckled, "The queen nerd. Dorkiest of them all."
Katherine rolled her eyes, "You two are insufferable."

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ok so this was really short but honestly it's just a quick introduction chapter, and maybe it was a little bit cheesy near the end but I promise im getting better w/ my writing kfmkamkdmkn

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