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Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you


Day 5 of their 2 week vacation, winwin was doing fairly well. Aside from ordering take-outs and other not necessarily healthy food, it's safe to assume that the glorious chocolate abs that rests gloriously on winwin's stomach was long gone. But no fucks were given about that. He had heard from the others that both Dejun and Kun had went back to Beijing while Chittaphon was somewhere in the Bahamas. Apparently, he was the only one that stayed in korea.

Aside from him watching almost the entirety of both pornhub premium and Netflix, winwin was starting to get bored. The constant shivering  and aura of bloodlust was still very much present, but time and time again he's checked... no one was there to be seen, smelled or heard of. So winwin decided it was just a stupid hunch. He partially blames the staffs for shouting random orders so loudly out of nowhere. Oh how terribly wrong he was to dismiss such thoughts.

It was around afternoon, when the sky was clear and dull in a good way,that winwin decided to yet again lie down on his couch. Strangely though, he felt a little dizzy. He blames it in the constant Netflix and youtube series. The day hazily rolled around and he found himself drifting to sleep ..... yet again(?) By the time he woke up the sky was already dark and the room was also dimly lit. He was puzzled by the sudden darkness, but he didn't mind it. His phone had died during his nap. Disappointed by the low battery life of his dearest phone, he got up with a grunt and went to his bedroom to charge his phone. Strange... he thought to himself, he didn't make his bed did he?

Feeling a little weirded out by the fact that his bed was perfectly made, winwin once again shrug it off, thinking that he could not be bothered to care for such trivial matters. He fixed himself a quick dinner and yet again after a delicious bowl of hot pot; winwin found himself succumbed to his bed. He was rather surprised at himself for falling back asleep rather fast. Usually, winwin was nit the type of person to fall asleep so soon especially when he takes a nap. His mind went fuzzy as he started randomly giggling, the diffuser smelled nice.... it reminds him of the scent- diffuser!?

Winwin opened his eyes to see a small white diffuser with a faint lilac steam coming out. Suddenly, all the shivers and bone chilling fears he had rushed back to him. He was unable to move anymore and he had trouble openning his eyes too... Winwin was scared that something or someone was going to hurt him. Tears streamed down his face as the last thing that came to his vison was something creeping out of the vent.

Winwin, much to his surprise; opened his eyes and was greeted by a throbbing headache face first. He grunted and massaged his head in hopes of easing the pain. He sat up and stretched before a ray of realisation hit him.... Did he not pass out last night? Did he not see the strange diffuser. He turned his head to the right side of his bed only to find it holding his charged phone and nothing else. No diffuser, no nothing. He also realised he was wearing pyjamas. Strange, did he really see those stuffs last night or was that just a crazy dream.

Feeling icky about everything, he slowly got up from bed, with every step towards the living room; winwin's head pounded more with acute pains shooting through his body. He somehow reached the kitchen. Stumbling with his vison giving up on him he fell down with a thud. All logical thoughts flew out of the window as winwin painfully realised, that all this time his hunch was not just anything... had he looked a bit more carefully, a bit more clearly; he might have noticed him lurking, creeping around him. Oh all those auras of bloodlust was emitted by him.

And that was when he realised that all these time, he should've ran. There was no point in checking where he went nor where he's going to go to, he was trapped. He had a feeling that his wall clock had been tampered with and that feeling was confirmed when he saw that it was already a day past their two week vacation when his phone was about to die. Winwin realised that he had a slim chance of ever surviving. He had been coughing up blood from whatever he made him inhale. He found out that the front door was already, basically at this point  cemented as a part of the wall, his eyes were losing vison and he himself know every single substance he inhales and ingests is pretty much gonna kill him, or knock him out again. As sleek and discreet as Taeyong seems, winwin was also quite observant. He knows the sim of his phone has been swapped so he can't call anyone. He also knew that his apartment used to belong to Taeyong. On winwin's part, he connected the dots a little too late.

Before he finally release his last consciousness; winwin bitterly chuckled "oh fuck you". With one last hazy look at the ground, winwin passed out. Mayhaps to never open his eyes again.

And finally he appeared.

Slowly, emerging from the side; he had been hiding. Looking at the unconscious body in front of him; he quickly got to work.

Dong Sicheng who goes by the stage name winwin; belonging to the c-pop group WayV was found missing from his apartment. Local investigators are currently working on the case and speculates that it might be a kidnapping case committed by stalker fans.

This picture was the last picture uploaded by the artist before the group WeishenV were given a 2 week vacation

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This picture was the last picture uploaded by the artist before the group WeishenV were given a 2 week vacation.

If anyone has seen him, or know whereabouts of him, please contact your local police station or call

Yeet! How we liking this so far. I accidentally called one of my professor bro how do i delete myself.

Suggestions for improvement and criticisms are always open.

hank you for reading
It means alot🥺🥺🥺

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