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Oh can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take...



*Lee Taeyong,leader of the k-pop boy group NCT announces his indefinite Haitus. It is said that Taeyong will travel and let his mind loose..
For more info visit

Lee Taeyong, the visual god, the rapper prodigy, the madman of the stage, the emperor

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Lee Taeyong, the visual god, the rapper prodigy, the madman of the stage, the emperor. Had a tiny secret. He was madly obsessed with Dong Sicheng. Taeyong had met the latter during their trainee days, with Sicheng being a shy guy; instinctively, Taeyong took him under his wings. Even after the company announced that winwin did not make it to the final debut line-up for NCT, he stood by his side; assured him that better days are ahead.

Taeyong himself really didn't know when all this, this tremendous possessiveness came from. He himself was aware of how possessive he can get to the things he like or things he find cute. Well, it may have been due to winwin constantly reaching out to him, maybe that fueled his wicked mind further into things that wasn't even real, as if winwin would ever voluntarily approach him. Maybe he was losing his mind already, after all; Taeyong was very fond of his little pillies. He was already addicted to numerous substances and his unstable mind didn't help cease the psychotic hell hole. While nct was stil actively promoting, Taeyong had almost always produced songs for the group. His iconic whiplash and no manners, had been quite a buzz; garnering fans, overall securing a giant support and following for himself and his group.

But lately, his lyrics started sounding a bit more extreme,a bit more inhumane, a bit more gorey. It contained  more violence and insanity that the company got worried and had, time and time again rejected all his recent attempts at songs. That lead to internal conflicts amongst the group and resulted in two of his bandmates serving in the military while Taeyong  was out loose. But can you really blame them? The man clearly knows how to hide his psychotic self from the rest of the world.

It had been easy for him to look at his winwin. He would always see him smiling so sweetly to him whenever they met, and Taeyong would always offer a smile just as sweet back. But behind his smile, his mind screamed at him to snatch the boy away, to destroy him inside out. To rip him open and leave him undone in every possible way. He somehow always suppressed it but, there were time when he was close to snap the latter's neck, or poison his boba. It would have been so easy for him, oh how much Taeyong wished to see his beloved writhing in pain with blood gushing out from his mouth. Oh what an art that would be!

Maybe, just maybe all his boundaries to not harm winwin had flown off the window when he saw winwin hanging out with Yuta more and more. Sure Yuta was his bandmate and all that shit but he really wanted to smack him. And he wanted to kick Sicheng so badly. How dare he flirt with other men. It was no secret that winwin posses one of a kind beauty. Naturally people get drawn to him; people like yuta. Taeyong was not happy with that. Winwin was his. And no one is gonna touch or look at his man.

Taeyong loves organising. He loves planning out every single thing. That being said, he also had a hello kitty binder dedicated to torturing winwin to death. Sure he won't call it torture per se, well more like a bdsm session yes :-D. It really doesn't help with the fact that Taeyong was not that normal, he's actually insane but his "yongie" persona covers up all his sick intentions so well it's not possible to see through it.

He had been scheming his grand gesture of love for as long as he can remember. One of the biggest task was to secure winwin in his(Taeyong's old) apartment. Which was easier than expected. The next phase was to ensure a hiding spot from where he can monitor the love of his life simultaneously without getting caught. His hiding place was great because even though winwin had checked his apartment multiple times, he's never managed to see him. The next phase was to drug winwin uconcious so that he can slowly settle all the other tasks. The drug he planted worked on the vents, much to his expectations, worked so very brilliantly that he had already finished all the sealing he need to do by the third day. Taeyong definitely need to thank whomever that shady Spanish guy was for the;uhm drugs or naming it in the classical Taeyong way, potions.

Whenever winwin passed out, he would slowly come out from his hiding place to stare at his beloved. He wore a gas mask tho, he don't wanna get poisoned no sir. He would dress him up all while he was sleeping and would play houses with him. Oh how much he loved this. No doubt Taeyong would choose winwin over anyone or anything any day. They were happy, they didn't need anyone. The two of them together as one
Oh that was paradise.

But all the things that are alive go bad

Before his last few days, winwin had been waking up with pain shooting through his body, oh if only he knows how he got those aches. Taeyong had been gentle before, but now he hits winwin while he was passed out in ways unimaginable. He had showed less and less care to the younger and due to all the chemicals and drugs that Taeyong made winwin inhale, winwin's mind was severely affected. His mind was hazy and fuzzy, basically at this point; nine of his organs were properly functioning.

So when winwin finally woke up,for the last time(?) and collapsed yet again. It made Taeyong mad. How dare he do that! Whom does he think he is?? Taeyong was blinded by an array of emotions; uncontrollable and immaculate, that he had dragged the almost lifeless body of his beloved to the place he hid. Oh he's gonna teach Sicheng what happens when you don't obey Taeyong hyung.

Yelp that was... Uh yes

Hope this chapter clarifies the plot. And the 'third day' mentioned was actually according to Taeyong.
See, Taeyong won't count the days like normal peeps like we do. He only counts it when he'd complete a task or his phase from his hello kitty binder.

Online classes ain't shit.
I personally hate zoom the audio gets all janky it's not fun bruh.

Suggestions for improvement and criticisms are always open.
Thank you for reading
It means alot🥺🥺🥺

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