Chapter 4

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    After a couple days of settling in, I had finally managed to explore the entire layout of the first floor. I was aware that there was a basement and some more things I haven't discovered on the second floor, but I was happy enough knowing the full extent of the first floor for now. I had quickly learned that Scar spent almost every day in the library at some point. He would read or be working on something or other within the solitude of the library. I had gotten used to the idea of him either being in the library, his room, or at work. So, when I found him in the garden enjoying the flowers I was a bit surprised.

"Hello, Scar. It's a beautiful day for a stroll, huh?" I asked, drawing his bored attention over to me. I was currently out trying to find a necklace I had lost the other day while running through the yard. It was the only piece of jewelry I owned and I was desperately hoping that it wouldn't be gone forever.

"Yes." He responded, grazing his thin fingers over a rose's petals.

"I'm surprised to see you out of the library." I poked a little fun at him, joining his side and looking at the flowers. They looked like they were in perfect health. Definitely well cared for.

"I wake in the morning to care for the plants. This morning I discovered that someone has been picking the roses." Scar said, looking angered. I noticed that as he got angry his scattered freckles began to glow like fire embers. "I'll murder whoever decided to desecrate these flowers."

"Let's not get homicidal over this! I'm sure there was a perfectly good explanation." I insisted, trying to calm Scar down before he burst into flames.

"You're going to help me find the culprit." Scar growled, grabbing me by my wrist and dragging me back into the manor.

"But... I need-" I tried to explain that I was looking for my necklace, but Scar wasn't listening. He had gone into a full blown rage. Smoke was flowing off of his scalp as he entered the building.

"First suspect is Jake. He has no respect and spends all his time out there." Scar complained. He didn't let me go until we were at Jake's door. Scar looked like he could explode at any time, so I really didn't want to argue against him. Scar slammed his fist against the door a couple times before Jake slammed it open. When they locked eyes, Jake went completely silent and wide eyed. I had never seen that expression on the rude werewolf's face. I didn't blame him when it came to the glowing glare that was on Scar's face.

"Good morning, Jake! Scar has had some trouble with his roses and was wondering if you had any clue what had happened." I squirmed in front of the raging Scar. Jake's expression went from frightened to confused.

"What roses?" He asked, looking entirely indifferent.

"The roses in my garden." Scar growled, his hands balled up into tight fists. Geez, I never would have thought that he had a garden, much less such a sense of protection over it.

"Fuck that garden. It makes my allergies act up. The trees provide for a much better training area." Jake scoffed, closing the door. Scar looked like he was going to attack, so I pressed my hand against his chest and said goodbye to Jake.

"I really do not think that he did it." I pulled Scar away from Jake's door. The glare Scar held with the door made me genuinely think that he would tear it down if he needed to. "He looked scared as hell. Scared people don't lie."

"Either way, he's an ignorant bastard." He grumbled, turning and taking a couple deep breaths.

"I can't disagree with you on that one." Awkwardly laughing, I watched Scar take a second to think.

"Well, the next suspect is Luckie. The obnoxious demon will use anything to get into someone's pants." Scar said, taking my hand and pulling me to the kitchen. It was the smallest room in the entire manor, but that was like being the hottest fire. Passed out on the floor, was Luckie. A bottle of booze was still clutched in his fist. Scar didn't hesitate to kick him.

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