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Shuichi : today the day I confess my feelings for kaito *walking to school*
*At school* the first thing I see is kokich ouma the angle of the school
Everyone loves him because he's nice innocent loving kind he helps people when they get rejected and when they get cheated on or helps people confess to people he's the top of our class the smartest kid in the school his bodyguards are gonta,maki,kaeda kaito and tenko  and the people who have crushes on him are kiibo, rantaro and shinguji. He's basically the god of kindness. The second person I see is kaito *walks up to kaito*

Kaito: Ah shuichi right? do you know where kokich or maki is?

Shuichi: I-I LIKE YOU KAITO PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!!!!* Looks down*

Kaito :........... Look kid I'm sorry I don't feel the same* walks away*

Shuichi:...............*crying* runs too the *restroom* "goes to the last stall"

Kokich: *walks in to the restroom with kaito * I'm sure maki will like you back kaito.

Kaito : I'm not sure kokich what if she doesn't like me

Kokich: ofc she will like you now go get her lover boy 💕 *pushing kaito out of the restroom* "hears crying" *is worried*  hey could you come out please

Shuichi : *comes out crying a little*

Kokich *run and hugs shuichi*

Shuichi: *hugs back* 

Kokich : it's ok I'm here just let it all out you will be fine now tell me what happened

Shuichi : I got rejected

Kokich: I'm so sorry but hey you don't need that s-stupid boy or girl you are a great person and you can do so much better ☺️ I know you can there are a thousand people out there one is waiting for you

Shuichi : *smiles* thank you

Kokich : hey let me treat you to some ice cream after school ok

Shuichi: *blushes a little* ok

Kokich: ok let walk to class *grabs shuichi hand and walk to class*

Shuichi:*blushing* "looks around to see people are glaring at him*

Kokich : *stop's at shuichi's class * bye

Shuichi :bye

Omg I'm so tired

I Can't handle rejectionWhere stories live. Discover now