Ice cream

378 10 11

Shuichi : I walked out of my class and waited for kokich

Kiibo : who the hell is that loser and why was he talking with kokich * see shuichi waiting at the gate*

Shuichi: *sees kiibo walking to him* umm hi

Kiibo: What is your business with kokich

Shuichi : he's going to treat me to some Ice cream

Kiibo : Oh

Kokich:H-HEY GUYS!!!!

Shuichi: hi

Kiibo: hello ouma-kun

Kokich: how many times do I have to tell you just call me kokich

Kiibo: sorry

Kokich : oh It's fine now that I think about it I never got your name * points at shuichi*

Shuichi : oh it's shuichi

Kokich: what a lovely name ok enough talk let's go get some ice cream

Kiibo:*holds kokich's hand*

Kokich: huh oh if you wanted to hold my hand you could have just asked

Shuichi: *thinking* This stupid mother fucker WAIT why am mad

Kokich : we are here what do you guys want

Kiibo: I will take blue berry

Shuichi: grape please

Kokich : ok I'll be right back

Kiibo : * glaring at shuichi*

Shuichi * glares back*

Kokich : I'm back here

Shuichi: thanks

Kiibo : thanks *hugs kokich*

Kokich *hugs back*

Shuichi: this bitch

Kokich : OH MY I have to go home bye guys

Shuichi :bye

Kiibo: bye see you tomorrow

Kiibo : bye blue bitch

Shuichi : fuck you *walks away*

Kiibo:🖕 fuck you too

Shuichi 🖕


Sorry I've been busy with school

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