Excuse Me?

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Another short story! But this is a collaboration with a friend. Enjoy!

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⇉Story Genre :: Fantasy, Romance, Short Story.
⇉Word Count :: 431 Words.
⇉Trigger Warning :: None.
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What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you here the word, 'marriage'? Love, right? Or rather, love and trust between two people and all that jazz. Well, in this certain princess' kingdom, marriages are made to maintain reputations.

Or maybe it's just her family.

This princess had to marry this arrogant (not to mention stuck up) prince from a neighbouring kingdom. At the (fairly) young age of seventeen, you can guess that she didn't just sit well with this. I mean, she was a teenager. She had actually begged her father to call off the wedding, but the king blatantly ignored her.

Thus, she was stuck with the stuck up prince. Literally. He was always around. Her days were filled with expensive, slightly unnecessary gifts, and not-so-good pick up lines.

The only good thing that came out of that (to her) we're the flowers. Yes, the flowers. This prince is that kind of person to send her bouquets of flowers (obviously). And it's not the fact that the flowers had the most beautiful colours. It was the notes that came with them. These notes; heartfelt, romantic notes she loved.

In fact, too heartfelt. Being the kind of person who observes a lot, she knew that her supposed prince could never write notes like those. Not in a million years. Even with all the cheesy pickup lines; she guessed that those were things he stole from a book or wherever. Even with the way he acted with her, all romantic and well-mannered, she had also seen how he acted with other people apart from her father. The maids, the folk, even his own father. So, she figured that someone else probably helped this prince to write those notes.

And she wanted to know.

She needed to know.

Why? Well, you know those silly crushes we used to have in highschool? That was what she had.

After a few 'investigations', she finally found out where the prince had been getting her flowers. One day, she visited the place, bent I'm finding out who the 'mystery writer' was. On getting there, she only found a young man behind the counter in the shop. She noticed that he was writing something. When she got closer, she realized that it was one of those notes she used to get.

Yes, he couldn't have been the one, but the princess decided to stand there a little more, observing what he was writing. The handwriting. It was the exact same handwriting in the notes the princess has been obsessing over.

She had to talk to him.

"Excuse me?"

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