1.Stuck in the Past

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"𝚆𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛
𝚒𝚏 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎
                          𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛

"How much longer do you want me to stay like this my dear?" Spoke the lady that was seated on the purple velvet couch in her bright clothes.

"Just abit more, and then you are free to move however you like, your highness." The little girl said not forgetting to include the title just as she have been teached by others.

"And.......Done! Now your free to move your highness, and sorry for the long wait I'm still not very good at this".

"I've been waiting to see how you would do and I should say that it's marvellous!" The lady said after she had gotten up from her sit to look at the portrait the little girl had painted of her.

"Thank you your highness it really means alot to me" the little girl said while she stared at the other paintings in the room thinking she had made alot of progress indeed.

"Now follow me my dear I have to tell you something that is really important"
The lady said while making her way to the door as the little girl was following behind her as she was curious where they were going cause most of the time they separate here and go own their own.

"I have been planning to go back but you know him, he won't let me go alone."
The girl made an ohh face knowing what she meant.
They were walking hallway to hallway  in silence. As they finally stopped Infront of the girls room.
"Now let's go talk inside shall we."
The girl didn't know what was happening but still nodded her head and got inside. It was unusual for her.
They went inside and sat on the chairs that were placed in the balcony.

"Now that your here with me, I want to tell you that, your not alone my dear, you have me with you
and don't go so hard on yourself, I don't like it when your sick so take care of yourself hmm?"
The girl was confused, why was she telling her that.

"Yes, your highness I will."
The girl bowed down her head once again while refusing to make eye contact with the lady sat in front of her.

"You don't have to call me that when we are alone ok" the lady said while looking at the girl lovingly.
The girl just nodded her head.
As she noticed the girl wasn't going to say anything she continued.

"As I was saying I have to go back and he won't let me go alone if I tell him I'm going there so Ive made a decision on not telling him"

The girl head jolted up as she heard what she said. She can't. She can't go without telling him it will cause a total chaos here.

"I know what your thinking, but I don't have a choice my dear I am already regretting not giving them my time so I need to be there for them and for that kingdom."

The girl still refused. She shook her head as she saw the lady in front of her getting teary.
"I don't have a choice dear. I would take you with me but I know how much danger is there so I can't, so you have to stay here and be my good little girl you are ok"
The girl still shooked her head not wanting her getting near to any kind of danger.

There was a sudden knock on the door as the lady stood up from her seat and the girl looking cluelessly at her.
"My time is up, they are already here to take me." The lady said looking at the girl trying to keep her tears in but failing miserably.

As she turned away and took one step ahead she was stopped by a small delicate hand holding her back , she looked back to see the little girl with tears in her eyes that's pleading her not to go.

"Please don't leave me alone....mother."

She was shook.
She had done almost everything that could make her daughter say that simple word but could never hear it.
That was the first time she heard her daughter calling her mother and oh did she loved it.
She loved it so much that she wanted to stay and sit back down to hear her daughter calling her mother, repeatedly.
But the thing was....
She couldn't.
She, who had many responsibilities to handle, had to go back to where she originally came from.   Her home.

She hasn't seen her family for over 10 years now, just so the two kingdoms would stay at peace but now that the king, her father had died she had to go so she could see the face of the person who cared the most for her.
It didn't matter that she was leaving her everything behind. Her responsibilities, her husband, and her daughter.

"I'm so sorry, my dear...I can't."

She said while grabbing her daughter's delicate hand while tears pouring down her eyes.

She looked at her daughter one last time before turning away from her cause she knew if she took a little more time, her husband will know. And that's the last thing she wanted.

"I will always love you...belle,always"

She left behind her daughter who cried and cried while she was headed to the other side of the sea.

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