Study Guide

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AP World History

UNIT I& II: Foundations and the Classical Civilizations

Test Study Guide

Topics, people, themes, and ideas

Chapter 1-2- Terms

Hunting and gathering - The original human economy, wasn't sustainable

Neolithic - The New Stone Age, development of agriculture and domestication of animals

Culture - The philosophies and traditions of different societies and people groups

Bronze Age - First bronze tools were made, would soon be replaced by iron

Civilization - Societies that used agriculture, created food surpluses, had social stratification

Nomads - Civilizations that never really belonged anywhere, "barbaric"

Homo Sapiens - The most successful human species, current species.

Neolithic Revolution - Technological advances that led to the development of agriculture

Domestication - The process of training animals

Paleolithic - The Old Stone Age, inventions of tools made of stone.

Savages - Often described as nomads

Neanderthals - An extinct human subspecies

Social Differentiation - A hierarchy that develops within societies

River Valley Civilizations - Societies that lived along rivers

Chapter 1-2- Paragraph

All of human history started off with the Neanderthals. Then along came the Homo Sapiens, which are the human species that exists currently, with a hunting and gathering economy. That was their culture. This was all during the Paleolithic Age, more commonly known as the Stone Age, next the Bronze age. Then came the Neolithic Age, which kickstarted the process which brings us to where we are today. The Neolithic Revolution created agriculture and the domestication of animals, which sprung up around that time, which created civilizations. River Valley civilizations created a surplus that leads to social differentiation. There were some people who just didn't want that though. They were called nomads, they were often described as "savages".

Chapter 3- Terms

Qin Dynasty - The dynasty that was created at the end of the Warring States period

Confucius - Chinese philosopher who founded Confucianism

Laozi - Founder of Taoism

Han Dynasty - The dynasty after the Qin

Forbidden city - 14 emperors lived in the forbidden city during the Ming dynasty

Shi Huangdi - Founder and leader of the Qin dynasty

Daoism - A belief system to be in harmony with nature

Great Wall - The Qin dynasty's defense system to protect them from invaders

Analects - A book about Confucianism beliefs

Scholar-gentry - People who were trained in writing and Confucianism beliefs

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