New beginnings, quick to end

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Note: Daffodils are symbolic for new beginnings. The Dragonseed flower in my story is meant to symbolise a quick ending since they don't last very long and the bacteria created along with it can be deadly.
!TRIGGER WARNING! Mention of death and blood.
I wake up with a major headache, possibly a migraine.

Looking around, I'm on a patch of dirt with dying or dead flowers all around. Whoever's garden this is obviously doesn't care about it. In fact it looks almost like an abandoned graveyard...smells like it too...

"Is..that blood?"

I stand up and go over to inspect the flower further. There's dry blood stains in some places, as I get closer the blood becomes a brighter red and no longer dry. The thick liquid seeps into the dead grass and the scent gets stronger. I see a pale hand covered in black and purple veins laying on the ground under the bushes..I don't want to look any further.

"If you're not careful, you'll end up like him too," a deep sounding voice comes from behind me. I froze and turned my head. It's the red head from earlier! Was what he said a threat? I put up my guard, grabbing a fallen branch.

He chuckles, "My, how jumpy and tense you are! Don't worry, I won't harm you, I was merely warning you. The king here is very... intense. Of course though he eats in his castle, this here was my little snack before I meet with him at dinner."

"Where am I? And how did I get here?" I ask, putting on a serious tone to sound intimidating. It doesn't work.

"This, human, is the Devildom. The underworld or 'hell', if you must."

"How do I get out?" I don't want to be here. I'm not dead am I? I don't know what I did that was so bad I ended up here...

"Don't worry you're not dead...yet. I brought you here myself for my own entertainment! You want to get out you say? Let's play a game then, yes? If you win, you can leave. If I win, you will die and you will have to live under my bidding until I decide to harvest your soul for power."

Wtf!? What is wrong with this guy...I have a soul? I don't really want to agree to this, but what choice do I really have? If I run away I might end up dead or lost and never return home. If I agree to his terms and I lose, I have to give up my life anyways..

You choose!
Play this demon's game.

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