Behind the bushes (2)

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Diavolo fell asleep 10 minutes ago, my lap is starting to go numb so I carefully get up and gently set his head on the ground. I should start looking for his ring in other places.

Looking back at Diavolo once more, I continue further behind the bushes and see a bunch of mushrooms living off of the decomposing and half eaten bodies of my species. I go down an almost unnoticable gravely path. I follow it.

As I go further, mushrooms get bigger, but not any bigger than my head. There are a lot of tiny floating lights around here. Different shades of blue, purple, pink, and a few orange here and there. Beautiful, magical, like I'm in a dream. This calms me down, almost making me feel a tiny bit sleepy, a good feeling.

I stop and decide to sit and rest for a second on a stool sized, yellow, purple spotted mushroom. I just want to take in the scenery of this place a bit, waste some time. I don't have to find the ring today, I still have tomorrow. And now that Diavolo has warmed up to me a little, I'm sure he won't hurt me.

Even if he did kill me though, I wouldn't mind dying if it meant dying in a magical mushroom forest(?) like this...Wait, no, what am I saying? I can't die yet! I only just started high school! And I still have to help out Dad!

I snap out of my daydreaming state and move on. I keep walking until I hear the voices of two men walking closer this way.

"I can smell them Bephie, they're right over here! Look!" A man with orange hair, who looks as if he could snap my body in half easily, points over at me innocently.

"Mmm, they smell delicious too! Like a roasted devil hog!"

Okay, maybe not so innocent after all. Beside him is someone who has the same eyes and complexion as him, but is shorter, less muscular, and blue. They look adorable together.

"Oh! Wow, you were right Beel, someone is here!" He says sleepily, yet surprisingly.

"Uhm, hi! Have you seen a gold spider ring holding a red jewel around here somewhere?" I might as well ask them, right? They seem nice.

They stare at me for a second, taking a moment to look at me and process what I had asked them. The blue one is the first to answer, "Not around here, but I think I saw something like that back at home. Right Beel?" He smiles slyly at 'Beel'.

"You did? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I think I put it in a drawer somewhere." They stared at each other, then back at me.

'Beel' speaks, "Oh! Right! Come with us human, we'll lead you the way!"

With nowhere to go but back I follow them.

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