I wish-Tubbo

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The nice cool air hitting their skins, sun giving them just the right amount of heat and it was nice. The two of them looking at the clouds, sky so blue it was breathtaking. The flowers were just lovely with bees flying around, it was peaceful.

The tree near them provides shade, Tubbo humming a soft tune, playing with Tommy's hair and making tiny braids.

It was an escape from the war and all the pain that came with it. It was a way they could be kids again. The war was so tiresome and just draining of energy. Tubbo wishes it could of done this on  a peaceful turn, he can't keep watching his friends get hurt. They already lost so much, he's worried for Tommy to say the least. Tommy was having his duel with Dream tomorrow, Tubbo could only think of the worst. 

He could hope that things can go well tomorrow.  Pushing him self closer to Tommy, sun setting with it's beauty. Tubbo wished it could of been different. 

" I wish things could be different"

" I do too Tubbo"

(I'm so tired)

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