part 1 - an uninviting mansion

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hey everyone! this is my first story haha and i'm praying i don't get roasted for this. i want to disclaim that for now, these oneshots will not be explicit/smut. some may have sexual references though <3

enjoy mwah :)

p.s. this is set in between order of the phoenix and half-blood prince. y/n is 16 years old.

It's an intimidating sight. From the dark, iron gates to the cold, lifeless turrets, Malfoy Manor is hardly inviting. I snap myself back to reality as Draco waves to me from the other side of the black bars.

"y/n! I didn't know you'd be here yet. Come in I guess." He laughs awkwardly. Draco has always been a bit like that really. Standoffish and awkward. It was like even though we had known each other since we were little, he had never fully gotten comfortable around me. I suppose it wasn't just me. All of our friends agreed that he seemed to be constantly on edge.

"Hey," I nod at him as I walk through the gates. "I haven't been here in so long. It's even bigger than I remember." He smiles and we begin to walk up the long driveway together. Malfoy is one of those people that look very strange out of school robes. Today he wore a striped sweater tucked into black dress pants, which was a very normal outfit, but it looks out of place all the same. 

"Thanks for letting me stay here," I smile at him. "I honestly don't think I could stand another second of my parents fighting. They're still convinced I have no idea what's going on."

"What is going on?" Draco prompts me.

"Obviously father's a death eater but my mother doesn't want me to be dragged into it. I don't want to join the Dark Lord but I also know that if we run away, he will find us." I smile sadly. "But, I'm here now and pretending none of that is happening."

We step inside the front door, and Wormtail is waiting to take my bags. He begins to lug them up the ornate staircase winding up to the rest of the house. Draco places his hand lightly on the small of my back, sending a shiver travelling up by spine and neck, and guides me to the sitting room.  Narcissa Malfoy stiffens as we enter the room as if she was expecting someone more dangerous than us. She turns around and he face softens as she realises who we are.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy," I say formally, unsure of how to greet her. Everything about this family seems stiff, like it's holding down a secret. She takes my outstretched hand and shakes it.

"It's been a long time, y/n"

"Thank you for letting me stay this summer. I would never want to intrude." I say softly.

"Oh, not at all, any friend of Draco's is welcome here anytime." She smiles at me, one eyebrow raised. Draco removes his hand from my back abruptly, making me flinch as the cold air hits the area his hand had warmed. "Lucius is meeting with the Minister as we speak, but he should be back in a little while. I hope you don't mind if the Minister joins us for dinner."

"Oh no that's fine. I've never actually met him." This seemed strange to say, given how involved the Minister for Magic was in Hogwarts this past year. Umbridge had been the worst thing to ever happen to the school, however, being a slytherin, it was easy to get on her good side. I realised I was staring at Narcissa as my head swum in deep thought. I darted my eyes away quickly.

"Well y/n, why don't we have some tea or something. Come with me to the kitchen. Draco?" The junior Malfoy nodded and we followed his mother to the kitchen, passing a large dining room with an almost hazardous chandelier. 

"Your house is so beautiful Mrs. Malfoy," I try to break the icy frost that had descended over the conversation. She looked back and smiled at me, but I couldn't read her expression. Her eyes seemed like they told a story in a language I did not understand.

"Thank you. And please," She opened the kitchen door. "...Call me Narcissa."


srry this is kind of short i just wanted to get the first part out. the chapters will get longer and more interesting. also i've decided that this might get explicit... thanks to my friends for convincing me (threatening me) to put in smut elements haha

i'll update soon :)

~au revoir~

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