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I don't how to give this title about this chapter,i thought before that i won't mention this part but with much thinking without this part it will like something is missing in story so let begin
During the time scarlett ignore me,i thought that it will be affected the friendship relationship between scarlett and roselyn but it didn't happen that way,from the day onwards scarlett was way more freindly with roselyn and every time in break time of college class,i saw them together and they were more closer
And one day tessa told all of our friends that let have a snacks in tessa house(it doesn't include marcos because natalie has told tessa that marcos is weird so she told not to called him)
So in tessa house,we were all chatting and having a regular conversation and when i look at scarlett she was talking with roselyn in very nice way and she know i was staring at her but she act in way that she don't notice me
But im happy that they get closer
More than before
(In next chapter we will see how marcos try to interfere between me and roselyn)

My first year of my college lifeWhere stories live. Discover now