Roselyn had to leave the college

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This title had made you dissapointed but me too i got dissapointed just like you guys did..but it is fine guys,let see what made her leave the college
So think happen like this,we all have interest in some hobbies like singing,drawing and writing and roselyn is a type of person that follows her passion which is a good thing so thing happen like our college have been visted by some companies which will give oppurtunities to students to find a job in their companies and it was happen like that roselyn was interested in those,i did'nt know about this that she applied for it
But one day,in class she approached at me and say like i have to talk to you and all my class mates were like ohhhhh,and i followed her throught the way,and before that i ask her are you busy this days cos i been tried to call you but i don't find any response for you,what going on? She was like okay let me explain,i was busy and she told me about the jobs and she told me that applied for it so she had to leave for the city in next two days,honestly saying i was sad to hear it and she was like im sorry i had to inform you in these last hour and i was like no it fine,ok then if you go there also you will still contact me right?
She say why i won't contact you,i will be in contact with you everytime,i was halpy to heard that but sad about her leaving seriously i don't want her to go there but how could i stop her dreams after discussion we joined the class and everybody us class was looking suspiciously(Not only our class but different sections also suspicious about us like is there is something going on between you guys)
All my friends knows im sad about it but what can they do about it,trevor and kevin say bro don't worry about it,she won't forget you,they tried to make me feel good
So it was night before she was leaving tommorow,we texted and say like wishing her to have save journey and lastly i tell her,im gonna miss you so much,She say back like im gonna miss you too
(It was emotional moment for me)
after that night,next morning when i wake up it was 7:30am(and i remember her flight timing was 5:30am)
i got her text in 4:30 like im on the way to airport,seems like your sleeping now,so i will text you up when i reach there,take care see yah with kissing emoji
Looking at those text make me feel more love and missing her more
(In the next chapter we will see she cares about you alot)

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