2: Maybe your bias

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°°°°°° after 2 hours°°°°°
You received a call from one of your patients to take counselling session right at the moment

You couldn't deny because ofc he/she is your patients who rely on you but considering your situation you hesitated but then eventually agreed to take the session

You recieved call from your patient on skype you said " hello this is y/n your therapist" and your conversation went on with the patient
After an hour or so you finally ended the session

You looked exhausted and thirsty so hoseok being a gentleman offered you a water bottle and you took it quickly without thinking for even a second and said "thank you soo much" in korean hearing that hoseok said " can you speak korean? because you have pretty good accent"
You said " i can speak korean since my mom is korean and my dad is American but i prefer to communicate in English because i am fluent in it" and smiled the members went " ohhh thattts cooll" and you couldn't do anything but blush

" Are you a psychiatrist?" Yoongi said, adding to that jungkook said " i am sorry but i couldn't help but eavesdrop your conversation are you a therapist?" " yes, i am a psychologist, pretty boring job right?" You said Mockingly

All the members liked your aura
since you are a very bright person
they really loved talking to you after some fun conversation it was finally time for the flight

You was getting relaxed as time was passing making your heart beat at normal speed

Everyone was sitted on there seats
This time the members seats were at the very back and your seat was in the 3rd row, you felt it'll be comfortable for both you and the members to be at distance during the flight but somewhere down there you wanted a seat beside them

It was mid flight everyone was minding their business some of them were asleep, you got up and walked towards the restroom passing the members as the restroom was at the back
You was standing outside as you felt someone hugging you from behind you got startled and suddenly turned to find that it was a flight attendant, you pushed him and said " excuse me, what are you trying to do" as he pushed you inside the restroom and tried to lock the door but you slapped him hard and got out

You was walking back to your seat but you suddenly thought "what if he does the same with some else?, Someone younger? Someone who is weaker?" And decided to turn back and walked furiously towards the flight attendant while the members watched and slapped him again and said "atleast be afraid that you might loose your job" as all the crewmates gathered you said loud and clear " he tried harass me" with a poker face while looking straight in his eyes.

One of bts' manager got up and tried to calm you down while tring to drag you to your seat in the fear that it might go viral and effect bts' image but yoongi yeeted the manager's hand from your and said " do you want to take a legal action on him?" His husky voice sounded so sexy that you zoned out looking at him, he waved infront of you and said " helllo?"

You suddenly came back to your senses and gave the manager a disgusting look and said "i would like to end it here" and left with watery eyes

You weren't crying because of that incident but you felt very outcast and helpless at the moment, you realised that it was yoongi's sake that you got the option to take the decision if not for him the managers would have covered up everything without your any say in it

You suddenly found yoongi very attractive and thought that he didn't think twice or questioned before supporting you infront of so many people, well you always thought he was a kind and handsome man but jhope was your bias
Well now yoongi was basically your bias wrecker

°°°°°after the flight landed in seoul°°°°°°

All the members covered them selves because they didn't want to be spot on the airport and somehow they succeeded

They all went outside the building and waited for their driver who was late, and there was you who ran and hugged your best friend who was waiting for you outside

As you was heading further after saying bye to the members without making a scene because they didn't want to reveal themselves

A voice came from behind " helloo, miss please wait" it was bts' manager, you looked back and started walking towards them with your bestfriend and said "yes? May i help you with something" trying to act cool but failed miserably.

" Ma'am we are sorry to do this but we would like to check your phone for security reasons" you looked at your friend who had no idea about what was happening and who she met during the flight.

As you was passing your phone without questioning the manager because you knew it was for members safety and security, yoongi said in a bold voice " no need to do that we trust her, you may leave her alone and call the driver who is late instead"
You was standing there jungshooked and your friend by now realised what was happening there and said " y/n i think we should leave now, your mom is waiting" grabbing your wrist

Your bestfriend dragged you while you kept your eyes on yoongi and sat in the car

Well since you liked bts it was obvious for your heart to flutter on something like this but surprisingly you made your way to yoongi's heart, all the members felt happy to have someone like you in their fandom but namjoon, he knew something was wrong with yoongi because he standing up for you infront of so many people wasn't a everyday's thing or maybe yoongi was finally falling in love

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