Taehyung sighed standing in front of his new College...

High school was a torture for Taehyung... He just didn't liked his classmates back there....
Now here he is... In Seoul, all alone.... Starting a new life and college...

" I should make some real friends here." Taehyung thought to himself...

This college was huge and everyone was so busy with their own friends...

Taehyung suddenly felt weird... As if someone was staring at him... He looked around and found no one....

Suddenly a soft voice called him from behind.
" Excuse me, is this your first semester too? "
Taehyung looked at the person and a very sweet looking shorter guy smiling like an angel.
Taehyung was stuck at this new guy's beauty... How can a guy be so alluring and attractive!!! His smile was the most innocent and pure smile taehyung had ever seen...

" Taehyung-ssi!! Are you ok? "
Taehyung was brought back to earth, " ehh?? "

" Are you ok Taehyung-ssi? Do you wanna go to the doctor's? "
The angel like student asked showing his concern all over his face.

" Uhm. No no... I'm ok... How do you know my name? " Taehyung couldn't help but asked.

" Oh.... Actually... You see- uhm your id card... Yeah your id card... See it has your name!! " He flashed a nervous smile at Taehyung...

" Oh right!! Silly me! Lemme introduce myself... I'm Kim Taehyung and yes It's my first semester. And you are? " Taehyung relaxed himself and tried to be friendly towards the new guy...

" I'm Jimin... I'm new here too!!! Let's be best friends!!! Have you got your class schedule? You should meet your advisor first!! "

Taehyung was awed by the cuteness of his new friend. He always wanted a friend like Jimin.... Easy to approach, bubbly and sweet.... He felt like Jimin is his soulmate...

" -Taehyung you should go now... I'll meet you later today... Okay? Don't forget about me and don't stay alone-" Jimin was talking non-stop but Taehyung liked it...
Before they part ways Taehyung asked Jimin for his number...

Jimin was a bit taken back. " Ah about that... I broke my phone... I will buy one soon... Give me your number on paper or something-"

Taehyung chuckled. " I'm sure I'm not the one who will forget. " he quickly wrote his phone number and sns account on a note paper and gave it to Jimin. " Here you go.... "

Jimin took the note and shove it in his pocket...

" Bye Tae!!! I'll call you later and maybe meet too."

Taehyung loved the nickname Jimin gave him...So, decided to give one too. " Bye Chim... See you later!!!"

Right after Jimin left he started feeling weird again... As if someone was inspecting his every move.
Taehyung brushed off this feeling and went to find his advisor and start his college life....

~ A/N :
# A little vmin chapter at first cz why not!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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