Chapter 22

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Jesse was frozen in place after all she did not expect her mother to be back so soon.

"You have really done it now Jesse," Her mother said her tone harsh and before Jesse could even think about escaping the situation, her mother swiftly yanked her by her long hair.

Instinctively, Jesse dropped her things and began to try and pull her mother's cold hands away.

Her mother tightened her grip on Jesse's locks of hair causing her to yelp as the pain quickly increased.

Without warning she was being dragged by her beautiful hair helplessly.

Jesse tripped over her feet and nearly hit her head on the floor.

"Now your even costing me loads of money that you know I can't pay off, you little brat!" Her mother screamed before kicking Jesse in her stomach repeatedly.

Jesse groaned softly and her mother continued to drag her. In the corner, of her eye however Jesse could see her brother's wide smirk as he gazed at her.

"I didn't even call-" Jesse whimpered faintly before getting cut off.

"I don't care," Her mother snapped, "You cost me money regardless!"

She felt her heart sink as she was dragged outside.

She tried everything to be free of her guardians grasp. She squirmed and tried to use her own weight to her advantage, but it was no use because she was weaker.

Jesse looked around frantically, her eyes desperately scanning for an escape.

"Mom no," She said, distress clearly in her tone, "Please... Don't do this."

"Shut up!" Her mother said earnestly, "You talk too much for a child learn to shut your damn mouth."

At that moment, Jesse was tossed into an empty shed as if she was nothing as if she was not even human.

In less than a moment, the door was closed tightly and Jesse's heart beat began to pick up as she heard the lock turning.

"No!" She screamed, "Mom please... Don't leave me please.... please! Please give me another chance!"

Jesse with great effort pushed herself towards the door, her hands searching through the darkness.

"Mom!" She heard the lock click faintly and Jesse was left in the darkness alone.

She could hear her mother's heavy footsteps fading away within a few moments and Jesse called out, "Mom," It was faint. Her voice for a moment was weak and frail.

She rubbed her stomach lightly, feeling intense pain and Jesse sighed heavily.

"....Mom," She said softly as she bit her bottom lip.

The darkness surrounding her left Jesse feeling bitter as her body stung.

A lump formed in her throat as she started banging on the door quickly.

The room felt suffocating to her and her heart was racing frantically, pounding against her chest like never before.

She was breathing heavily and eventually she gave up pounding on the door.

Jesse leaned her head against the door in despair, her chance of survival was diminished.

Her brother crushed her last chance of hope when he did not do a single thing.

Her hands slid to the ground, her knuckles white.

Jesse was covered by the darkness, it was like a blanket wrapped around her to keep her warm.


A mother is supposed to protect a child.

Jesse remembered all those times her mother used to fill the sink up with water just so she could forcefully put her head in the sink, so she could nearly suffocate her.

Mom... Please.....

Isn't a mother supposed to care for her child?

Jesse remembered the days when her mother would gently teach her how to play piano, her voice was soft and calm. She missed her mother. Jesse thought her mother was still their deep down beneath all the hatred, but now she wonders if that part of her mother is truly gone.

Is a mother supposed to love her child?

Jesse did not really know... Well she would often hear how loving Reuben's parents were whenever Olivia or Axel went to his house... But... Is a mother supposed to be loving she wondered.

What even is a mother supposed to be... How is a mother supposed to be she thought.

Jesse closed her eyes, letting the darkness fully surround her. She knew pondering wasn't going to get her nowhere, but this was all she had now.

She could think... At least for now before her mother would come back.

"I hate my life," She whispered faintly.

Jesse felt a tear slip down her cheek.

"....All I want is love from mom...," She whispered quietly as she recalled her mother hugging and smothering her with affection when she was little. She sighed another tear rolling down her cheek, "...But I can't even get that."

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