Chapter 8

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A/N: Okay, so I just realized I don't know if dyslexia applies to writing as well as reading. If so, assume he's typing in Ancient Greek and it is translating, apart from the occasional word he has to type in English because it isn't a word in Ancient Greek.

Hacker's Friend

I think I just saw you.

Like, this red and blue spandex dude doing flips and such.


They weren't pointless flips.

I was doing it to stop the... was it a monster?

Hacker's Friend

I'd say.

Maybe even a hydra.



No, no.

I think you're right.

That's why it kept growing heads whenever I cut one off.

Maybe Hydra sent a hydra.

That would be crazy.

Maybe they changed a lizard's genes or something.

Also, I saw this guy fighting it with a baseball bat.

He looked my age.

Pretty dumb, right?

Hacker's Friend


Totally dumb.

So, how did you end up beating it?


That's the thing!

The guy said something and another guy came, and...

I'm still processing it.

I think he was covered in lighter fluid, lit himself on fire, and attacked all the heads.

Then I blinked, and there was golden dust on the street, and the two guys were gone.

I feel really bad.

That one guy sacrificed himself to save everyone.

Hacker's Friend

Don't beat yourself up over it.

It was his choice.

And maybe he's okay.

Heck, maybe he does that on a daily basis just to surprise people.

And maybe... he had a suit under it that protected him.

Like a second skin.


Thanks, but that's a lot of 'maybe's.

Hacker's Friend

Maybe I'm right about it, though.

I might know more than you think.


Oh god. Were you the one who lit himself on fire?

Hacker's Friend

No! I would never do anything that stupid!

It's not like I drank fire at one point.

I'm not as dumb as that dude.


Drank fire?

How do you even do that?

I guess you were telling the truth when you said you didn't do that.

Hacker's Friend

Yes. Yes I was.

Are you going to try to find out more about the two dudes?


Great idea!

I'm working on it now.

Hacker's Friend

No! Horrible idea!

What if...


Oh, I got it! What if they are part of Hydra!


You really think so?

Hacker's Friend

Um, of course!

They are probably horrible dudes!



I guess.

Hacker's Friend

Well, sorry but I got to go.

I have to talk to one of my bros.

Right now.




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