chapter 1

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The Games I play

Naofumi is a Fallout fan and the shield leads him to a world where he can understand.

Takes place when Raphtalia gives him the sandwich.
RAD of compassion

Naofumi tasted the food and was brought back to a time where he wasn't kicked in the dick by the world.

He remembered a nice sandwich lunch with a bottle of dollar store cola, his first week on his own, in his apartment after he cursed out his parents.

He remembered plugging in that 42 inch TV he got on sale and playing his favorite games fallout 5 and 6. KAGIMA bought the copyright and remastered New Vegas and Fallout 4 in the fox engine.

He had thought back to his first time in the Fallout world, Fallout 4, and how he had felt a freedom to build and create a better world for everyone.

"Why couldn't I get that instead of, SAO: asshole edition?" Naofumi said.

"Naofumi-sama?" Raphtalia asked.

"Sorry Raphtalia I was...lost in a memory." Naofumi smiled with a tear running down his face.

"A memory of what?"

Naofumi turned to her and said a single word "Freedom."

Raphtalia hugged him and smiled back. "May I ask what you were free from? Besides the obvious." Gesturing to the surrounding area. Having heard Naofumi talking in his sleep about this world being a prison to him and wanting to burn it to the ground and piss on the ashes.

"Everything. Fighting with family, Freedom from a broken heart, nights when my job had gotten a little too irritating and days when I thought about the world's problems." Naofumi said "It gave me a world where I could build, I could fight, I had something to build towards and the world looked how I felt my life was like in those bad times."

Naofumi looked out into the horizon and frowned "What was it?"

"It was a game." Naofumi said, getting looks from Raphtalia "Imagine a book with 5 different endings. Then imagine you had complete control of the main character and could just, on a whim, do anything you wanted. Build, kill or steal anything. Make something in a world of no hope without hurting people."

Naofumi saw Raphtalia kinda liked the idea. "What did it look like?"

Naofumi grabbed her around the waist causing her to wag her tail. "Imagine a world completely blasted into dust and sand. A big world just blasted apart and your character is a little fish working its way into being amazing by helping people and meeting all kinds of people. The outer lands were bleak but the spirit, the spirit was beating in your heart to just…"

"Make the world look like how your heart did." Raphtalia said, getting a nod from Naofumi. "Maybe that's why you're so upset all the time. Your heart sees the waste land while eyes see the lands."

"You hit the nail on the head Raphtalia." Naofumi said, patting her head.

"I hear the other heroes talking like the world is a game." Raphtalia said "What if there's something from your game here?"

Naofumi went quiet and narrowed his eyes, turning his head down to his shield "Well? Is there?"

Raphtalia had decided to not spoil Naofumi's good mood and touched the Shield "Please?"

Naofumi HUD had blinked as a new menu option appeared, MAP.

Naofumi tapped it and suddenly a symbol he knew VERY well appeared. On a black and green screen that he always had on his arm.

the games I playWhere stories live. Discover now