Chapter twenty six

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I let daichi in and he flew in and i followed. I closed the doors and looked at him.

"you little sh-"


He smirked

"why would you go outside?!"

He started yellind and i flinched And looked down ready to get scolded. I didnt hear anything else and i looked up confused. I sae him looking at me with sad eyes.

"are you okay? Im sorry i didnt mean ti yell baby....."

He walked over and hugged me, and me being the dumbass i am flinched. He let go.

"im sorry....."

"its not your fault daichi! Tanaka is probably still waiting for you!!"

I smiled and he modded and left. I let out a breath and fell to the floor Panting and shaking. I covered my head and started crying. I started thinking about the times when they would lock me in a dark room for days with no food or water. How they yelled and would hit me until i passed out. I keot thinking about thlse times and didnt realize the maid that walked in. She ran to me and called for help. She sst me up snd told me to breath but i couldn't hear her. I just looked at her still panting. Other maids ran in and tried to help. My vision went blurry and i saw daichi run in then i passed out and fell to the side.

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