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I woke up with tears falling down my face.

'What was up with that dream?...come on y/n. I need to not cry right now. I should go to the bathroom quick to look like I wasn't crying before the game.'

I got up and placed Noya's hoodie back. I lifted my hoodie up to cover my eyes but not too much so I would look like a creep or a pervert.

I walk out the bus and into the building. Walking pass people, some looking at me and some just passing by. I finally found the bathroom and I walk in.

Making my hood down. I splash cold water at my face. I grab paper towels and dried my face.

I stood there looking at myself.

'This should be good enough.'

I heard walking making me look towards the door. There stood a out of breath Yachi with on of her hand holding a clipboard and the other holding on to the door way.

"Oh sup Yachi." I said.

"Y/n the match is about to start. You weren't in the bus so you got me worried." She said in a worried tone.

"Oh sorry. Let's go." I said before I took her hand and started to run.

'I finally get to see Kuroo play in a real match well practice match.'

Once we got there I saw the team stretching and saw Kiyoko near the benches. I look back to Yachi seeing her out of breath again.

"Oops. Sorry I didn't give you a break." I said making her smile.

"It's fine." She says before we both walk towards Kiyoko.

She was talking to the coach so I just sat on the floor. Looking across the gym I see Nekoma also stretching.

I didn't really look at the other teammates cause it's most likely I won't meet them.

I took out my phone and started to scroll through TikTok. I was a small creator with only 145 followers.

I only had like 10 posts so that explains it. All the videos I've posts were either videos of the team practicing or me and Noya goofing off.

The only video that really went viral was when I was doing the ghost challenge in my room but Noya walked in cause he was sleeping over. He just got out of the shower so his hair was still wet.

He was confused while I just stared back at him. Yea all the comments were like "Omg he's hot!!!" , "Is he your brother? Does he got a gf?" or "Aw they look cute".

But my favorite one was "I'm 10 years old (no offense to 10 year old kids) maybe it can work if he isn't trying to catch a case."

I scrolled through my fyp seeing some weirds names like: Sangwoosleftasscheeks, DivideFry, Dreamshand, Killuasskateboard or some like: Noyasbitch.

Yea Noya has his own account but it's private...for now until I take his phone.

I look up from my phone and see the game was already starting.

'Dang it.'

I turn off my phone and started to watch the match.

{Skipping the game since I'm lazy}

The match soon ended with Nekoma winning just by two points. I get up and started to skip over to Kuroo.

He was talking to someone but I didn't care. I kicked the back of his knee making his stumble.

"What do you want Ya-" He said turning before he looked at me. "Oh hey y/n." He glares.

"Sup Rooster." I glare back with a smirk.

"Again stop calling me Rooster." He complains, breaking his glare.

"Fine, bed hair." I shrug.

"Doesn't fix it." He says in annoyance.

I roll my eyes "Oh and sorry for interrupting you're conversation with Kuroo." I said looking behind Kuroo to see the person he was talking to.

He hand blond hair at the bottom of his hair and black hair at the top. Honestly he's hair looked like he hand a undercut but that might just be the angle.

He had cat like eye. His eyes color was like a honey brown yet it looked like gold. He stares to the side in boredom before walking off towards the changing rooms.

"Woah...what's up with him?" I ask Kuroo looking back at him.

"Oh he's Kenma. He was asking where I put his game since I took it before the game." Kuroo said, pointing to where the boy was.

"Seems like you're treating him like a baby." I said while he just looks at me in shock.

"What no. It's just that he's just addicted on his game. If you looked closer at him you would've saw bags under his eye." Kuroo said trying to explain to me.

"Still it's his stuff. I'm just saying, let him do what he wants to do. And if he does something stupid it's on him not you." I said poking Kuroo's chest on the word 'you'.

Before Kuroo could answer a boy spoke up. "Kuroo the coach wants you." He said.

I look over to him and I see a short male. He was the libreo cause of his different color shirt. He had like a light brown short hair with brown eyes.

He looks over to me and waves. I wave back not wanting to be rude.

"Okay." I heard Kuroo says. "Hope we meet again y/n." Kuroo says before walking off.

"So..." I heard the light brown hair male say making me look back at him.

"So..." I said back.

"Are you his girlfriend?" He said making me jump in shock.

"Oh no. I'm just a childhood friend of his. Nothing more." I said waving my hand in front of me.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know you were his childhood friend. The only childhood friend he talks about is Kenma." He says smiling.

"Oh it's fine and yea Kuroo probably didn't talk much about me since I kinda just left him." I smiled back. "Oh by the way I'm
y/n." I take out my hand.

He looks at my hand and takes it with a small smile. "Yaku."
Not proofread
Words: 1027

Sorry that I didn't update and I lied...I won't be showing my face YET my computer isn't working for Wattpad so it can't upload. That's all. I hope online school or something is fun? I don't know but all I know is that my best friend is stuck in 6th grade Spanish while I'm in 7th.

I'm Sorry {Kenma x reader} (DISCONTINUE)Where stories live. Discover now