Rainy Day (Sora x Depressed Yuki)

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A/n: ⚠️WARNING this contains self-harm!!! And suicidal things! Just to be clear, I know people make jokes about suicide and shit when it comes to memes or fictional things...But of course, I don't think suicide is cool nor it is funny. All people treat this differently. So if you are sensitive to these things, I highly suggest that you don't read this!!! ⚠️

It's been a month since they all been stuck on this island. And a month since Emma, Kokoro, Hajime, and Yuri have died.

Everyone was trying to bond together during this horrible time. But it is now harder than ever because they learned that there are 5 members of Void.

So it's hard to trust and believe in anyone at this point. It seems like all hope is lost, but even thought it may seem like this way, Setsuka and Shinji both tried their best to cheer up everyone.

And they made hope come back from the tiniest crack of hell.

However, people are coming back in different ways, like how Hibiki came back by acting like a leader, Teruya saying to believe in hope and have bonds with one another.

For Nikei, he just doesn't trust anyone anymore. Not that he is sad or happy, he's  just in a confused state.

But for Yuki, it was something completely different. He wasn't acting like the hopeful cheery positive lucky boy from before, more like a saddened lonely little boy.

And Sora is trying to make Yuki feel better and snap out of it but apparently he is extremely slower than the others. Shinji has tried training and talking to him but even though he knows he's  making no little progress, he keeps trying anyway. Even some of the others are trying too.

Today everyone headed to the Diner like always but it is completely silent, but not completely because it's raining outside.

Normally that doesn't happen, but since everything has gone down road it became possible to happen, or it's just the natural way of nature and it just rains...So how come it's raining today? It's like too perfectly timed.

As always, Mikado comes with food and leaves immediately right after. Cuz nobody wants to see his stupid ass in the first place.


The silence was still active for a while now. Until Sora decided to talk and break the quietness.

"Do you guys know where Yuki is? He isn't here for some strange reason..." She thought while having her hand under her chin, also expressing worry on her face.

Iroha immediately jumped at what Sora just asked.

"I believe that he didn't come out of his room..." clutching her sketchbook shakily in her hands.

Yoruko overheard the two and began to join in. "W-Well shouldn't we go find him?! What if he's  is in danger?!" She yelled.

Surprisingly, that caught Teruyas attention too. "Y-Yeah!!!"

When Yoruko mentioned that, Shinji got up and as fast as possible, ran straight to the dorm hall section of the cruise.

After seeing him run, agreeing to get out of their chairs and go.

Sora, Iroha, Teruya, and Yoruko ran right behind Shinji a few seconds later.


Of course, since the others are lost of what to do, they just don't get up, let alone don't do anything. (Come on y'all...-.-)


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