Secret Letters (Nikei x Sora)

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A/n: 😊 This is a AU where all the Sdra2 students are attending normal hopes peak academy. And wearing normal school clothing (Like Danganronpa V3 pregames, so clothing and some characters personalities are altered. Again, like V3). Like normal everyday school before ShSl Despair and whatnot. And like Super Danganronpa 2 the animation where they were in the school and not crazy shit happening. Normal average school okay? Thanks! 😊

👌🏽 (And now y'all finally see why I suck at writing stories!) 👍🏽

📝This kinda- no VERY long for some reason. I honestly have no idea why. Well if you're the type of person who likes lonnnggg ass oneshots, here you go and be my guest.📝

It's Monday, a normal average day of high school. And thinking this, Nikei doesn't want to wake up. How could you not? Anyone would get up to their annoying alarm clock right? Or for to meet your friends? Yes. But the problem...The loud ass sound emitting from the terrible human sleep wake up device.

So eventually after a few minutes, deciding to wake up, Nikei got up immediately, falling off of his bed. Groaning in anger and managed to slam the alarm clock off.

Now he got up of the floor, changed his clothes, packed his bag, brushed his hair and teeth. But before he left his room, he went over to the tall vertical mirror,  looking at himself.

Nikei knew he was a extremely awkward person. Why? He is very shy and nervous all the time. And it's crazy to think that a shy person's talent is the ultimate journalist.

Having to take interviews and whatever's big news and scoops and whatnot. It's just unbelievably weird but he had to suck it up, that's what his talent his anyway and he cannot change that.

He's excelled in that and that's that.


He made his way downstairs, and made breakfast. Yes, he lives alone. His parents? They left overseas. The reason? Nikei still and won't ever know. What can be more important overseas than your own child? Hell, if I known that I would've told you already, but alas, no sadly.

Nikei was just beep bopping on his phone. It's not there is anything else to do, right?

Maybe I should go to school now...Sure I don't want to be late, ah! Whatever I will just go, I don't care if I'm early! Nikei thought immediately while getting up and putting on his shoes. And opening the front door and walking to school.

On the way, since he lives a tiny bit near the school. He sees his classmates walking too because what a coincidence, they all are neighbors and they all are the best of friends. Awesome right? And they are all perfectly ready to go to school all at the same time, too crazy for 16 students to almost be in sync.


Out of everyone in his class, he toke an interest in a girl named Sora. He doesn't know why but maybe it's her amazing long white snow hair and those dark sweet calm chocolate eyes of hers. The way she dresses, her warm soft smile, the adorable red scrunchy to keep her hair tied up. He knows at this point, if he's thinking about her this way, he knows he god damn likes her, no...A crush on her.

It all seems like anime cringe when someone has a crush on another person mangas, but Nikei doesn't really care. He just has a crush on Sora and there's nothing wrong with that.

Now, all his fellow classmates are standing near the entrance plaza if the school waiting for it to open. Of course, other random people from different classes are here. But nobody cares about them. I guess.

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