Chapter 16

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Hi kitties


"Sir please don't about that man name in front of my child." Mrs. Pandey said and hide her daughter.

"But it is important. Please try to understand the situation." Vijay said trying to make the lady understand. "Please we want to ask few question. You can take away your daughter to somewhere else. But that man not only had sell of your daughter but there many daughter and also sons who haven't reached their home. If answers from you can help than please help us." He added on and Mrs. Pandey looked at her daughter before she looked at me  and others.

"Ma, take her somewhere else from here." She handed her daughter to her mother and he mother nodded and she hold the little girl hand and than took her away and she looked at us. "Now you can ask me."

"So can you tell us if Lalit Pandey had ever visited you guys after you leave him?" Vijay started the investigation and  Bhoomi's eyes were focused in questions only.

"Yeah he had came so many times over here just to threaten us and ask for money."

"What does he really threaten you guys about?"

"Our life and sometime he says that he will again take away my daughter."

"Well that will never happen again. But why didn't you took the divorce from him?" She sighed one this.

"Sir I have tried so many times. My sister in law also tried to help me but we always get fail. When I firstly asked for it, then he beat me and after that he continue to do that until my sister in law helped me from running over from here. I am safe over here or else I am afraid that we both must have been dead by now over there." I sighed. I can't really define this man. How could he be so much cruel over the kid and over his wife? I don't think that he has one case over him but many and one of them includes domestic violence as well.  Vijay asked further but didn't got so much information but find that if we have to find him than alcohol, drugs and money are the best trap because whenever he sees them he just become blind. But before that we have to find his whereabouts so that we could set the trap.

"Can you tell me where generally he lives. Here or in his home town?" I asked.

"As it takes time about three hours so when he doesn't have enough money so he come over here and when gets it and then lives here for about one month but I don't really know where he lives."

"Has he came over here any time in past?"

"From last six months he didn't really arrived over here. We are living in peace and this is strange because he would be on our house step in two months only." This is really strange.

"thank you so much helping us in this case." I said and she nodded and we come out.

"So we can say that he is not here?" Vijay said.

"Hmm... I am also feeling the same that means we have to go back. We have to find him soon." I said and he nodded.

"But what could be the reason that he is not here for long?"

"Many reasons could be said." Bhoomi said before I could even speak . "Maybe he had got so much money or either had had found a lottery of alcohol." That could be possible.

"Should we fine his whereabouts over here. Maybe we could find something from there?" Vijay asked and I thought over it for a while and thought that it could be pretty much helpful if his whereabouts over here could be revealed.

"Hmm...I guess we should give it a try but where he could must live over here."

"Well my friend this town isn't big enough as if it will take whole of our day. Even if we start from the starting point, means from here, then we can at least find where does he love and I don't think that he must be living far from his wife and the alcohol shop."

"Then for what we are waiting for. We should start the investigation." I said and started to ask for him but many had said that they had only see him but doesn't know where does he live.  I sighed when I didn't really got the positive result. We all met again.

"Have you found something?" I asked and they shook their head. I sighed.

"They had just said that they used to see him going here." Bhoomi said.

"I have got the few same response or otherwise many people doesn't even know him." Vijay said

"I don't think that he used to live over here or in this neighbor hood. We should check other one." I said to them.

"I think that will be best." Vijay agreed.

"But guys I am already feeling hungry after roaming from here and there." Bhoomi said and I looked at my watch and found that it was almost lunch time.

"I guess we should now take some rest and have something." They both nodded. "I don't really know this locality."

"But I do and I also know a place where we could eat." Bhoomi said in a excited manner and I shook my head. In the body of 23  years old girl still the 3 year old baby lies and that is what I love about her and I want that she never changed herself because this only brings more charm to her personality. She started to move and me and Vijay followed her and end up on dhaba.

"Here the food is very delicious." I could feel in her voice that she is excited for the food. Vijay leaned towards my ear.

"We could ask over here as well." I nodded and we entered and Bhoomi told us what she want and I sighed. I guess when she is hungry she acts as bossy and we both went to the reception and told them our order and I turned back to check over Bhoomi but I found a man sitting in front of her and I couldn't see his face but I could see Bhoomi's face which was having glaring and strange one as well. I don't know what they are talking about and this only makes me curious and somewhere it is making me feel to ripe of that guy from there.

"Ashish" I heard Vijay voice and I looked forward. I still can't deny that I love her and that too so much.

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