Indestructible Kid

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A purple haired teen navigated his way to the front of a crowd, he was carrying a small child by the age of 2," Oshi, let me down!". The teen chuckled and let him down, the small boy then crawled to the battlefield. There was a shriek as a lady saw the small child approach the danger," OH MY GOD! WHOSE CHILD IS THAT!?". Everyone's attention went towards the small dribbling toddler, they then started screaming at him to get back until the villain accidentally slapped a beam towards the green haired toddler. The toddler saw this," Bah" he then opened his mouth and ATE THE WHOLE DAMN PILLAR. Pro heroes finally arrive and see...a purple haired teen tying up a traumatised villain? One of the pros run over to the teen and smacked the back of his head and takes the small green bean from his back," Hitoshi Shinso! What did I tell you about using Izuku as a way to catch villains! Here Izu, have a gummy bear..." Her name was Timiki Shinso, #6 Pro Hero NRG Boost. Hitoshi was then threatened by his big sis to take away his coffee rights(noooo!!! (っ °Д °;)っ) if he doesn't go to school this instant, she proceeds to take Izuku's bag and Izuku himself and she then speeds away to UA.

•Timeskip to Timiki arriving at UA

Timiki and Izuku arrive at the front of UA, she sees the open staff break room window and grabs Izuku who had been jiggling at her back. She aimed him at the open window and gave him a cookie, she then gave herself a lot of energy by her arm and threw him." WHEEEEEEEE!!!", the moment Izuku landed inside the room, a green haired woman was sipping coffee. She then saw the crumbs on her son's All Might onesie," Hi ba- Oh Hek". She tried to contain the super sugared up boy but she was too late as he then moved so fast like he was teleporting, he proceeded to teleport into the school and create chaos. Minutes later, lots of shrieks and screams filled the school with most of the staff in the break room, the only ones not inside the break room were either hiding in the kitchen(Lunch Rush), hiding with the students(Majima and Hizashi), running from Izuku(Nezu,Ectoplasm and Snipe), trying to find Izuku(Ms. Shield alias Inko Midoriya and NRG Boost) or was inside Izuku's All Might Bag(A few first years with the big three)." Izuku! Where are yo-", Inko was cut off by a loud shriek coming from further down the hall, she called over Timiki and they proceeded to go and capture him. 

•Timeskip to Izuku getting captured by hot mama Inko

The day went on as normal, Timiki being punished for doing dum stuf, Inko and Aizawa having a contest on who can drink more coffee, Izuku napping, Nezu doing experiments on Izuku without Inko's consent again, him getting his ass whipped again.

Later in the afternoon, Izuku woke up to a snoring Timiki and a yelling mom."Mama! Up!" Izuku crawled over to his mom, she picked him up and they went home.

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