Entrance Exams pt.2

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(Watch by 0:42. Btw, Izuku is like Takuma and Taka combined. Takuma is the joyful blonde kid and Taka is the kid with the sword)

Izuku was nibbling on Shinso's leg while he was stretching, he was counting in a muffled voice," mmh...mhh...mhhh...mmhmhmhmmmhmh!(Translation: 998...999...1000! Oh look Oshi! A birbo!)" Izuku let go of Shinso and chased the lone bird into the fake city. Seconds later, students are rumbling into the fake city to see...

A sleeping Izuku on top of a lot of demolished robot parts...

•Timeskip is brought to us by Janko, my new mascot

The examinees were distraught by this and went home, but for the ones who remained were given the ultimate challenge: Wake Izuku up and transfer him all the way to the gate where Pro hero, NRG Boost is waiting.

The students who where left were:
Katsuki Bakugo
Hitoshi Shinso
Tenya Iida
Ochako Uraraka
Yuga Aoyama
Eijirou Kirishima
Mina Ashido
And some other extras

Chibaru's reaction to "And some other extras"


ME: :|

Chibaru: Why Dough?
ME: ¯\(°_o)/¯

The first one up was Aoyama, he was doing a pose as he pulled a gallon of holy water and a human sized cross. He then tiptoed to the child and poured the holy water,' Da Hek!?'. To everyone's surprise, "Izuku" melted into water and Aoyama started panicking internally,' HOLY SH*T, I MELTED A FRICK FRAKIN CHILD!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!'. He then pissed his pants when something bite his leg.


"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Aoyama panicked and kicked him all the way back to the gate and straight into the arms of Timiki. He then fainted and had to be dragged to the infirmary, Izuku was playing with Timiki's breasts for some reason.

Chibaru reading this:" WHY DOUGH!?!?"

ME: ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ"It is what it is"

Izuku was then placed back to the top of the rubble with a milk bottle cuz he said he was thirsty.


When it was Tenya's turn, he did the most logical thing an human would. He ran to Izuku and kicked his small toddler body to Timiki who was adjusting her bra strap, Izuku flew through the air with a small " Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!". She caught him right on time before he bounced off a wall and destroyed most of the buildings left.

Uraraka just floated a giggling kid, she had a small conversation with the boy. They talked about his mom being Ms. Shield and if she was related to David Shield.

Bakugo just plain held out his arm, Izuku climbed it and cling to the arm like a koala.

Mina wondered if he could drink her acid (NOT THAT ACID YA PERVS), to her suprise he can and did. She then proceeded to make a mini water slide using her acid, which he happily slid down a bunch of times.

Next was Kirishima, he just hardened and hugged the tired toddler. He received a small peck on the cheek by a certain pink girl.

The last one was Shinso, but his was the weirdest...

Izuku was playing with his All Might Figurine on top of a smaller pile, Shinso ran towards a steel line and a few debris. He then tied the steel line to the metal pipe he found and tied a... Bento? A Bento to the other side, he then threw the bento. The second it landed, it's cover flew off and a hungry Izuku scavaged the bento. Shinso then evaluated the route and with a long sigh, opened a bento and ran to the gate with it. Timiki closed her eyes with fear while Bakugo was muttering," holysh*tholysh*tholysh*tholysh*tholysh*tholysh*tholysh*tholysh*t"

A green demon busted through the ground behind him and chased him towards the gate, Shinso the closed the Bento's cover and threw it into a cage a manly Red Head held. Shinso jumped to the side and as Izuku jumped in, he yelled," NOW!".Izuku was locked back in his cage UA had made especially for him. 

The test was over and the passers were announced,

People who passed:

Hitoshi Shinso
Katsuki Bakugo
Tenya Iida
Ochako Uraraka
Yuga Aoyama
Eijirou Kirishima
Mina Ashido

Minutes later, once everyone went home, Izuku was still in his cage but now he was in a cat onesie with the words" Mama's Number 1!" and asleep. Inko took her sleeping baby out of the cage and into her arms and they went home...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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