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It all started at school in the sophomore hall way of Grant high school. And there he was Dawson Parker standing there looking perfect as ever, not thinking that he would ever look at me or talk to me. But he did I could barely keep my excitement in as he's talking to me. He said "Are you ok?" me thinking why did he ask me that do i look disgusting or something?. I said "Why whats wrong?". He said "Well your shaking". (not telling him the real reason and lying to the most perfect guy in the world)"Oh ya i am just really cold". He said "Do you want to borrow my jacket?" i said "sure".

Later that day in class he asked me if i could help him with math, i said "sure where do you want to meet and what time". He said "how about my house at 3:30, i will text you my address". But then he realized i didn't have his number and he didn't have mind so he asked me for my phone and i said "Then give me your phone" (thinking in my head how rude that sounded). He said " Oh, I thought you were shy but i guess not". I turned completely red after that he said "Oh, there's the shyness". So i was just waiting for the bell to ring for class to start because it was just so awkward he was just staring at me , i said "Do I have something on my face or something?" He said "No (laughing) I just love your shy and awkward smile".

So finally the bell rang and I couldn't feel more relieved to have somebody not look at me. So 3:30 came around and me scared that he was just going to stare at me the whole time. I get there and i see him there with no math books nothing so i go up to him saying "Were are your books?" He said "I was hoping to get to know the person that is about to study with me first". Knowing that that was an excuse for him to talk to me. He started asking me personal questions like Have you ever dated anyone? and Have i ever slept with anyone? and stuff like that. I was just like "Why are asking me deep questions and not like whats my favorite color?." So i started asking him the same questions, he said no to every single one so he hasn't slept with anyone and he has never dating anyone, i didn't believe him one bit because he is the most liked guy in school. Finally the date or whatever it was called was over and after a long day i get to go home and sleep for hours.

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