Slowly Dating

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     Dawson has been trying to get to know me for 1 month now and we still haven't studied. "I need to talk to him today about that." I say to myself. I get to math class and i see him breathing heavily cause I have talking to people so I go up to him saying "Ok when are we going to really start studying?" He said "Ok ok ok when do you want to do it." "Well with you never but studying we can do it today" I said. He said "Hahahaha sure we can do that at about 5:00." i said "sure." (say tiring). So the time comes around, after a long day like every day, and i am just not in the mood with Dawson today either. I get to his house and for some reason he is being all nice to me and i feel like there is something going on with him. We go to the dinning room table and all his books are there ready to study and it looks like he is listening to me for once in his life. but then on the kitchen counter there is dinner and candles that are burning. I asked him "what that was for" and he said "Oh it's for us." I said "But why the candles." He said "Well I was thinking maybe we should go a step up in our relationship." I said but there is no relationship going on here." You let me know by the end of the night and tell me what you think then." he said.

   After dinner he wanted me to follow me to his room and i said "What are we going to do up there?" he said "I just want to show you something in my room." We get to his room and i am expecting to find baseball cards everywhere and baseball things everywhere, but it is not what i expected to be. His room was dark blue and there were candles everywhere and of course that was for me and he sat down on his big comfy chair and he said "Come and sit on my lap." I started freaking out inside thinking this has t be a joke but no it was real and i was falling in love with him faster and faster. I went over there as scard as can be. I sat on his lap and he said "Why are you shaking?" I said "Ya it's because i have never been with a guy before." He said "Well I have never been with a girl either." He slowly blew on my neck and bit my ear softly, went slowly up my torso and started kissing my neck leading up to the neck it felt so good i couldn't help but hold back the little moan. All of a studen we hurd his mom come in to the house and started freaking out blowing out all the candle and she came up stairs and Dawson pretended to show me a nice CD.

    Next day later me and Dawson are holding hands and making out infront of everybody and it feels so unreal to me cause i never though in a millons years i would ever get this and it is the most amazing feeling ever for somebody to love you. We have stared to say I love you. He comes up to me and say "We need to start going forward in the relatioship and become closer." i stared to freaking out because i know what that means and "i kinda want to do it too." i told him. It's after school and we plan on just going to his house just to hang out be we end up doing a lot more than jus hanging out.

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