Chapter 1

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Alice trudged through the icy grass following Thalia Grace as the Hunters of Artemis made their way to Camp Half-Blood. The daughter of Artemis sighed. She didn't know what the demigods would think of her. She had to keep her identity as a goddess a secret as she was a 'secret' weapon. Thalia glanced behind her. "We're nearly there. Remember. Your identity is a secret. You must not-" "Tell them. I know you've told me a million times." She finished. The troupe of girls passed through the magical barrier. Alice giggled looking at the top of the hill. A lone pine tree stood atop the hill. "I really need to get you some pine scented perfume for your birthday." Alice said. Thalia grimaced. "Don't remind me. Seaweed Brain tells me that the whole time." Alice gasped at the valley spread out below. There were people everywhere. Sword fighting, archery, Pegasus riding and more. Woods surrounded it most likely filled with monsters, a giant blue mansion exactly like Thalia had told her about, a ring of cabins stood at the centre, a pavilion and an amphitheatre. A conch horn sounded. A centaur cantered up. He greeted Thalia with a smile. "Thalia! It's been a while! And who have we here? A new recruit?" He said, introducing himself as Chiron. "Alice Lestrince, daughter of Artemis at your service. I'm a new camper." Alice said. Chiron looked taken aback. "Daughter of Artemis? B-but that's not possible! Artemis is a maiden goddess! She wouldn't do that." He stuttered. She gave him a friendly smile." Well she just proved you wrong." She glanced at Thalia, who cleared her throat. "The Hunters of Artemis will be staying in the Artemis cabin as Lady Artemis has urgent business." Thalia said. "Of course. The hunters will always be welcome. I must round up the campers for capture the flag." He galloped off. "I take it I'm on the hunters side?" Alice said with a smile. Thalia smiled back. "Yes. And you'll make a valuable team member."

Hey there! Chapter 1 done! Also, yayyyyy! I got 1 read on the prologue. (The titles meant to say prologue but I couldn't change it.) I'll try to update soon but don't count on it bc school starts again tomorrow. Bye!

Eleanor out.

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