i hate him

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Jack POV.

I dont want to talk about what happen in the locker room I cant I just can't......

A week later ...

Its been a week sence what happened in the locker room an I've been feeling like crap lately my mom asked what was wrong but I didn't want to tell her what happened . Then she saw me throwing up and asked if I was pregnant I told her it was just the stomach fuel at lest that's what I thought it was .after school I went to the store to get a pregnancy test

When I got home I took the test it says to wait 5 minutes those five minutes were the longest five minutes of my life I was to scared to look what if I am then what will happen what will mom say . I walk in to the bathroom and looked at the test ......................... it had the little plus sign on it omg I'm pregnant

What if Sam finds out what would he do do I tell my mom what happened what do I do .........

I'm 7 months pregnant and I'm huge mom said that of my choice on what to do with the baby I didn't ask what the sex of the baby was last check up but I want to know so I'm going in for a check up ........ I can't believe I'm having a girl but I don't think I can keep her I'm only 16 I still have to finish school I need to find a job I have to get my surgerys so this means shes going up for adoption .....

A/n ..Sorry that my chapters are so short they'll get longer I promise.

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