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End of Prologue

I shut the door behind me as I enter my small office, feeling the overwhelming demand that my work has brought me today. I just met with a new client, an up and coming artist who's opening for Cage the Elephant on their upcoming tour. I haven't heard of his music before, but he seems like a genuine guy with decent style. This means countless meetings leading up to the two month long North American tour and piecing together a wardrobe that most accurately represents his style while remaining unique. These next few weeks will be stressful because all of the planning happens in advance, as I am in no way, shape or form going to tour with them as many stylists do. I also have a meeting later today with a TV show star on styling them for a premiere photoshoot. Again, have no clue who the person is, but they normally turn out to be decent people. Today is going to be a long one.

There's a knock on my door as it opens and my head shoots up to see Mitch, a drink carrier in his hand.

"Hey, whats up?" I ask, smiling and looking away from my laptop.

"Coffee?" He smirks slightly, setting the drink carrier down on my desk.

I smile thankfully, grabbing the hot beverage and feeling it warm up my hands.

"How have things been?" He asks, taking a seat in the chair across from mine.

"Things have been..." An image of the other night flashes into my mind, immediately making me uneasy in my seat, "Yeah they've been good just the same stuff I think. Nothing exciting or anything. How are you?" 

"Just busy with work as usual," He says, sipping his coffee, "I met someone."

"Oh, like someone?" I smile, my eyes widening as I lean forward in my chair slightly.

"Well yes but no," he laughs, "nothing serious yet but it looks like it could be."

"Good for you! C'mon Mitch Rowland!" I smile wider, laughing along with him. His cheeks flush and he shakes his head.

"Thanks Tate," he responds, the shyness still present in his voice. He really is sweet, I'm glad to have a friend like him. "Speaking of relationships-" he begins, "do you remember that guy Harry from your dinner party?"

Oh fuck me.

"Uh yeah I think so, why?" I ask as my heart begins to race. I can feel myself getting visibly anxious. Did he somehow hear about Harry and I? That's impossible, I haven't even told V or Niall. For all he knows, Harry is just some random that showed up at my dinner party.

"Natalie told me that she and Harry are 'seeing' each other, but she wants to keep it on the low," he says, leaning forward in a whisper, a smirk very prominent on his face.

My stomach sinks, my face dropping slightly. I cover it up with a forced smile. Well, I know that she and Harry were at the very least hanging out, but does he mean they're something more? Does Natalie think they are? Is that where they're headed? Why would he go out of his way to have an emotional conversation with me, and proceed to kiss me if they're seeing each other? Not that I care. It's not like I want to date him, it would just be really fucked up of him to be playing Natalie like that. Why am I not surprised though?

"Oh really? No way... I didn't really talk to him all that much but good for her," I respond, focusing my attention back on my coffee and eyeing the papers on my desk. A blonde model with no personality? I guess that makes sense for someone like him. I shouldn't be a bitch about it, but it is true.

"Yeah she seems pretty excited about him. Actually called me and told me about it a few nights ago. Hadn't even made it out of his apartment complex completely before she called me," he laughed slightly at his words. I wrack my brain trying to think about the last time I saw them together which was definitely in the morning. This must be a consistent occurrence then. My stomach churned.

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